Encoge starts debates with panels on innovation, mindset and disruptive technologies

After the solemn opening on the evening of Wednesday (November 11th), the program of the 90th Meeting of the Permanent College of the General Inspectors of the Courts of Justice of Brazil (Encoge) was resumed in the morning with panels focused on innovation, mindset and disruptive technologies. The president of the College, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, opened the works emphasizing that the themes worked on contribute directly to the constant advancement and modernization of the Judiciary. “All the panels were thought out with great care, aiming at the improvement of the services we provide to society”, she stated.

The first panel presented the theme: "Deconstructing the mindset and building innovation: using neuroscience to leverage results", presented by Dr. Solange Mata Machado, from the Federal University of the State of Minas Gerais. The researcher pointed out that the human brain needs to be challenged to go beyond, break barriers, and innovate. The panelist talked about mindset, which is the configuration of the mind, a concept that seeks to understand the psychological predisposition of a person who prioritizes certain thoughts and behavior patterns to then propose and develop a new approach.

In closing she used the quote from Ellen Langer (Psychology Harvard University), which says: “Certainty is a cruel mindset. It hardens our minds towards possibilities” 

Still in the line of innovation, the president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (Copedem) and General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, Justice Marco Villas Boas, presented the panel “The impacts of new disruptive technologies in the Justice System”.

The magistrate lectured from three points: the actions and reactions to the technological challenges and the journey towards virtualization of the judicial provision in the Brazilian judiciary; the fundamental rights and the new challenges of the virtualization of reality, and the new threats and new opportunities.

Marco Villas Boas made a historical tour through the technological evolution of the courts of justice. "It was in this scenario that the investment in smarter technologies and the expansion of the IT parks in the courts provided the dissemination of the digital culture in the Judiciary and provided an opportunity for the development of technological tools to diagnose the critical points of the judicial system, as well as to build viable solutions for the widening of the routes of access of the citizen to the justice system, even with the use of behavioral economics techniques."


During the opening of the 90th Encoge, the president of Copedem was honored with the Medal of Honor to the Merit Justice Décio Antônio Erpen, an honor from the College of General Inspectors to personalities who contribute to the causes of Justice.

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