The advances of the Brazilian justice in the fight against corruption and money laundering, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity, among other subjects, were themes addressed at the Security, Human Development and Fight Against Economic Crimes Seminar promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (Copedem), It happened in a hybrid way, with live broadcasting directly from the city of Salvador-BA, performed by the team of Esmat, headed by the executive director, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, with the organization by the Memory Institute, directed by Professor Lourdes Gonçalves.
At the opening of the Seminar, the president of Copedem, Justice Marco Villas Boas, reinforced the importance of the events promoted by the College. "The themes were very well chosen and organized, to which Copedem has been dedicating special attention, and that in fact need a lot of reflection for us to understand all these threats to human dignity, to people's lives, to legal stability, to the legal system, and to the sovereignty of the State, so that we can contain criminality with the best techniques and respect for due legal process, the adversarial process, and the right of defense in the Democratic State of Law, and thus have a perspective of legal stability and a good life for all", he affirmed.
On the occasion, the president of Copedem received the Medal of Merit in Judicial Education - Justice Mário Augusto Albiani Alves, considered the founder of the School of the Judges of the State of Bahia (EMAB), which completed 40 years of foundation in 2023. The Medal was awarded by Minister Sebastião Reis, from the Superior Court of Justice, and by the General Director of the Corporate University (Unicorp), Justice Mário Albiani Júnior, who explained the importance of the medal that bears his father's name, awarded to magistrates who strive to promote the dissemination of legal doctrine in the country. "There is no doubt that the honor unanimously paid by the Full Court of the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia, granting the medal in Education is more than fair, especially for the work that our dear Marco Villas Boas has done all over the country. Congratulations President!”, he emphasized.