Literary Workshops Begin Reflections On Combating Racism And Gender With Works By Chimamanda Adichie

Facilitated by Janaina Costa Rodrigues, the first reading circle of the fourth and final class of the Literary Workshops took place on Tuesday evening (November 5th). The meeting reflected on themes such as racism, gender and religious intolerance, using the works: “Purple Hibiscus” and “To Raise Feminist Children”, by Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, to stimulate debate and social awareness.

The works chosen play a fundamental role in the development of the project. “Purple Hibiscus” explores issues of authoritarianism, religion and cultural identity, telling the story of a young Nigerian girl who faces the challenges imposed by the rigid structure of her family and the society in which she lives. “To Raise Feminist Children” offers a manifest in the form of a letter, in which the author presents fifteen suggestions for raising girls (and boys) with egalitarian values, with a view to a fairer and more inclusive world.

The next meetings will take place on November 12th and 19th, from 7 p.m. to 8:40 p.m., via Google Meet. Facilitator Janaina Costa Rodrigues has a master's degree in Communication and Society from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (2019), she is a specialist in Social Project Management from Unigranrio (2007) and a degree in Social Work from Ceulp/Ulbra (2004).

The project, developed by the Directorate of People Management (Digep) in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), aims to encourage critical reflection on social and health issues through guided reading. The aim is to combat prejudiced ideas and attitudes, discouraging any attitude or belief that promotes intolerance, authoritarianism, harassment, discrimination, inequality or violence, whether psychological or physical.

This initiative, aimed at Judges, civil servers and trainees, promotes new habits and concepts, strengthening more equal and inclusive institutional relations. In addition, the project is sustainable, as the books read will be donated to the libraries of the Prison Units of the State of Tocantins, allowing people deprived of their liberty to have access to themes for reflection and building a fairer and more respectful society.

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