President Says Citizens Have Always Been At The Center Of Actions In The 35 Years Since The Judiciary Was Created

Foto: Elias Oliveira (TJTO)

"Each one, in their own way, left their mark and taught us valuable lessons about the relevance of justice in the life of everyone. They were courageous leaders who faced challenges and made difficult decisions for the common good."

These were the words of the President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, when she thanked and recognized the work of everyone who has been at the head of the Court of the State of Tocantins and who has helped to build and consolidate the history of the Judiciary over these 35 years. 

In her speech during the Solemn Opening Session of the Judicial Year on Thursday (February 1st), Justice Etelvina stressed that the citizens of the State of Tocantins have always been at the center of the actions of the Judiciary.  "The proximity to the citizen is what drives us to seek constant improvement."

And the story of the Judiciary continues to be told, by those who are arriving and by those who will arrive. The President of the TJTO reaffirmed that despite the achievements so far, there is still much to be done. "That's why we need to renew our commitment to the people of the State, to everyone who needs justice. We want to be a reference not just in the decisions we make, but in the way we relate to society. May these 35 years of history and learning be just the beginning of a journey that seeks to achieve the full effectiveness of justice."

Dean of the Court and Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), Justice Marco Villas Boas, highlighted important names in history such as Teotônio Segurado, the Marquis of São João da Palma and Judge Feliciano Machado Braga who, at several times in history, dreamed of the autonomy of the northern of the State of Goiás, which was achieved in the Constitution of 1988 with the creation of the State of Tocantins.

With the new State, the Judiciary also had its challenges, difficulties in consolidating its credibility. "We've lived this history and a lifetime dedicated to justice, and now we've reached a shining moment like this, when the President presents a beautiful digital report of her first year, for a year of success," he said, adding that all the administrations were concerned with developing projects to improve, innovate and bring progress to the people of the State of Tocantins. 

"Social progress and the development of mechanisms that could deliver better, more humane, more improved justice and that could bring the Judiciary ever closer to the citizen. We innovate every day, we bring new projects, we are using artificial intelligence mechanisms. Program development, software implementation, connectivity."

The Justice also emphasized that there is a very responsible sense of the role that the Judiciary plays "in relation to the realization of rights, constitutional guarantees, a serious judicial service with very dedicated Judges, civil servers committed to justice, to its effectiveness. And that's why we're all working together on a very well thought-out project. And it's getting better every day."

Representing the Association of Magistrates of the State of Tocantins (Asmeto), Judge Odete Almeida mentioned the progress made by the Judiciary in the 35 years since it was created. "Every year, our Judiciary is expanding, strengthening and improving the quality of its services. We have our School of the Judiciary, which qualifies day by day, not only the magistrates, but all the civil servers of the Court of Justice. Throughout this time, we have had valued colleagues who have retired and those who are active, the Judges. The Court is extremely respected. So it's a source of pride for the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins that this date is so significant and that it really deserves to be celebrated".

35 years of partnership for the common good

The General Attorney, Luciano Casaroti, when speaking about the 35th anniversary of the TJTO, emphasized the importance of harmony in the relationship among the institutions that make up the Justice System, "always with great respect and acting in partnership with the intention that there be an integrated and resolute action on behalf of our society of the State of Tocantins," he said, also highlighting the performance of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. "In these three and a half decades of history, we have witnessed the growth of the State of Tocantins in all areas and we can see that the Judiciary has acted firmly to apply the law correctly to judicial demands."

The Public Defender of the State of Tocantins (DPE-TO), Estellamaris Postal, also recognized all the people who have worked or are still working in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and who, over the years, have contributed to consolidate access to justice. "All the members, civil servers, trainees, outsourced workers who have passed through here, I leave you my recognition and my gratitude because they have contributed greatly to this strengthened Judiciary that we have today. This strong judiciary, which is really trying to reduce the volume of cases, working intensely, is due to everyone who contributed to this work." She also emphasized the partnerships of the TJTO with institutions, with the entire justice system. "I see that we have a judiciary here in the State of Tocantins that is integrated with the justice system and that makes a big difference."

President of the Brazilian Bar Association - Tocantins sectional (OAB-TO), Gedeon Pitaluga, spoke about the role of the TJTO in promoting social development in the State. "The Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, in 35 years, has revealed itself as a great estuary of citizenship in the State of Tocantins, conducting the entire judicial system and promoting this social development that is so important for the citizens of the State of Tocantins. This is done through the joint work of Judges, Justices, Prosecutors, civil servers, Lawyers, getting closer to society, to social agendas, because that is the reason for the existence of all of us who are part of the judicial system of the State of Tocantins."


To celebrate the 35th anniversary, a video about the history and achievements of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins was shown to those present. Also during the event, the President of the TJTO, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, and the eventual Superintendent of the Post Office, Jônatas Alves Padilha, launched the personalized stamp and the 35th anniversary stamp. Over the next 30 days, the image of the stamp will be on all mail posted at the central post office in the city of Palmas and it will travel throughout the country.

The stories of 11 people, including Judges, civil servers, Justices and citizens, who have contributed or are contributing to the Judiciary, have taken shape and are stamped on the calendar of 2024. The material was delivered together with a commemorative agenda, which together mark the celebration of more than three decades. The reports are available on the website of the TJTO and they can be accessed via the QR Code available for each month of the calendar.


The solemn opening session of the judicial year was also attended by the President Court of Auditors of the State of Tocantins (TCE-TO), Councilor André Luiz de Matos Gonçalves; the Mayor of the city of Palmas, Cinthia Ribeiro; State Deputy Eduardo Mantoan, representing the President of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Amélio Cayres; the Chief Secretary of the Civil House, Deocleciano Gomes Filho, representing Governor Wanderlei Barbosa, among other authorities.

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