This Monday (August 21st), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) begins another book collection campaign aimed at promoting remission of sentence through reading in the Penal Units of the cities of Araguaína and Barra da Grota. The "Donate Books" campaign will run until October 20th and aims to encourage social reintegration through the habit of reading, offering the participants the opportunity to reduce their sentences.
About the donations
Donated books can be new or used, of Brazilian and/or foreign literature, encompassing genres such as novels, novellas, short stories, chronicles, poems, theater, drama, cordel, as well as works of self-help and religion.
Collection Points
Donations will be accepted from Monday to Friday, from 12 noon to 6 pm, in the city of Palmas, at the Library of Esmat, located at 302 North Block, Street 1, 1-165 TO ZIP CODE 77006-328 – North Director Plan, Palmas-TO; and at the Forum of the city of Araguaína, located at Filadélfia Avenue, 3.650 - Saint Helena Garden, Araguaína-TO, 77813-905.
About the remission of the sentence
Originating from the Resolution No. 391, of May 10th, 2021, on the recommendation of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the project, created from SECIJU/TO Ordinance No. 709, of September 2nd, 2021, published in the Official State Diary No. 5,924, which regulates the remission of the sentence through reading, says that registration must take place voluntarily, and, according to the Ordinance, the participants will be entitled to the remission of four days of the sentence per book read, with a limit of 12 works per year. As a result, the inmate has the possibility of redeeming their sentence by up to 48 days every twelve months.
At the end of reading each work, the participant must prepare a summary or other document, including drawings or an oral presentation to those who are not literate, who also have the right to take part in the project. This document will serve as a proof that the reading has taken place, and it will be evaluated by the Commission for Validating the Remission of Part of the Sentence through Reading. The evaluation will be qualitative, taking into account the interest and dedication of the participant.
The campaign has the support of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), the General Internal Affairs, the State Secretariat for Citizenship and Justice (SECIJU) and the Courts of all the districts.