Mestrado Profissional e Interdisciplinar em Prestação Jurisdicional e Direitos Humanos


The ESMAT/UFT Professional Master's is a stricto sensu post-graduate program that confers, in the same way as traditional academic programs, the title of Master in Law. The course, pioneer among the professional master's degrees in Human Rights in the State of Tocantins, has as its specificity the importance of understanding social conflicts and the ways of interpreting the social conditions of production of litigation.

For this reason, it involves the problem of training professionals working in the field of judicial provision and human rights, especially Judges and court employees; so that they can deal with the new challenges of a democratic society open to constitutional challenges. The relationship between the Judge-State and society lacks a type of study and punctual and thematic treatment, given that, traditionally, the judiciary has done very little to deepen the debate in terms of environmental diagnoses and prognoses. The theme of human rights, if adequately treated, transcends a discussion that ends at the doctrinal and normative levels. It opens up a broad and multifaceted horizon of investigation, since it requires the understanding of principles located within history, sociology, social psychology, philosophy of law, and other areas, whose reflections are dear to the understanding of problems related to the practical exercise of jurisdiction, since the law does not exist and cannot be practiced without the view of other areas.

It should not be forgotten that human rights are particularly important to the Brazilian reality in the current stage of consolidation of democratic life, which demands an active and resolute attitude on the part of operators in the justice system. The preparation and training aligned with this perspective seek to make possible the development of a sensitive look at the human aspects behind judicial decisions. This sensitivity must be present at all stages of a process, within the scope of action of professionals working in the Jurisdiction and Human Rights fields.


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