Pós- GraduaçõesPós- Graduações da Escola Superior da Magistratura Tocantinense

With a total of 63 post-graduates, the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) concluded on Thursday (17th) the evaluation boards of the second class of Lato Sensu Post-graduation in Judicial Practice. Due to the health restrictions of the pandemic, the activities carried out in 2020 took place in the Distance Learning mode, and the stands, in the virtual mode, through communication platforms.

For the Law Judge Roniclay Alves de Morais, coordinator of the course, the closing of another class reinforces Esmat's commitment to promote the dissemination of knowledge even with the restrictions and adjustments that were necessary due to the pandemic. "Today we close the presentation stands for the conclusion of the Legal Residency Program II. Even in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to hold all the stands through videoconference, demonstrating that Esmat is prepared to face these new times. The Legal Residency is a program of excellence that encompasses legal practice and theoretical deepening through Graduate Studies. It is the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, through Esmat, contributing with its important social role in the formation of those who militate in the area of Law. This project has been giving excellent results, preparing professionals for the competitive labor market. I would like to thank Esmat's employees, who contributed a lot to the success of our work. I also want to thank all the professors who dedicated their time and shared their knowledge with the residents, because without their participation none of this would be possible," he said.

The Graduate Program in Judicial Practice is part of the Legal Residency Program (PRJud), which has the general objective of provoking reflections, in relation to values, principles and constitutional rules, in order to review traditional models of justice and present new paradigms and new outlines, providing participants with the necessary tools for the full exercise of citizenship and improvement of their future professional activity.

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