Take Part In The Public Hearing To Debate The Proposed Goals Of The Electoral Justice System For 2025

The Regional Electoral Court of the State of Tocantins (TRE-TO) invites society to take part in a public hearing to discuss the proposals for formulating the National Goals of the Judiciary for 2025. The event is also aimed at Judges and civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. 

Within the Electoral Justice segment, the hearing will take place remotely on Monday 10th broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Regional Electoral Court of the State of Amapá (TRE-AP), starting at 2:30 pm.

The event will make it possible to express opinions, whether specialized or not, and to obtain proposals on the National Goals, as well as offering the opportunity to suggest and contribute to a more transparent, transversal, inclusive and participatory judicial management.

How to take part

All of civil society can take part in the public hearing. Interested parties must register on the electronic form in order to express their views. Speaking time will be limited to three minutes per participant.

The list of registrants will be published on the website of the TRE-TO in advance.

During the event

Requests for participation can be made during the hearing, after the initial opening, with all participants duly recorded in the minutes, respecting the time available for the event.

Technical cooperation

The public hearing to formulate the National Goals is a collaboration among the regional electoral courts of the States of Acre, Amapá, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Roraima and Tocantins.

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