Judge Wellington Magalhães, Deputy Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), and Andreia Teixeira, coordinator of the Center of Training and Improvement of Magistrates of Esmat (NUFAM), attended the meeting of the National Network of Judicial and Schools of Judges (RENEJUM) on Monday and Tuesday (October 9th and 10th), at the National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM), in Brasilia.
Wellington highlighted the ongoing efforts of Esmat to improve the training of Judges and the judicial staff. "The national network of judicial schools aims to promote the exchange of good educational practices aimed at the excellence in the provision of justice. And in this sense, Esmat is once again reaffirming its institutional commitment to the prevalence of human rights, the effectiveness of which necessarily depends on the excellence of the training of Judges and civil servers of the Judiciary," she commented.
Andreia stressed the importance of collaboration between the Judicial and the Schools of Judges. "This partnership among the institutions is very important, one school helping the other in order to strengthen Renejum," she said.
The event brought together 91 representatives of judicial and Schools of Judges. The program of the first day began with a plenary session, which saw the General Secretary of the school, Cássio André Borges dos Santos, welcome the participants. He pointed out that Renejum is an initiative of the General Director of Enfam, Minister Mauro Campbell Marques. "When I arrived at Enfam, the Network was already in place. I was deeply enthusiastic," he said.
The Judge emphasized that the Meeting represents a great gain for the exchange of experiences among the schools in various areas, such as pedagogical management. "I wish you all a good meeting and a fruitful production of knowledge, with a focus on strengthening judicial learning. It's a pleasure to welcome you here and let's strengthen this network, which is of the utmost importance for strengthening judicial education in Brazil," he said.
The participants were divided into three groups to discuss different subjects over the two days of the meeting, with management as the main theme. On the first day, group 1 discussed Teaching Planning and Teaching Plan Accreditation; group 2 analyzed Design Thinking and Active Methodologies to enhance Coordination/Management practices; and group 3 debated Technologies and Tools Applicable to Pedagogical Management Work.
"We have noticed in diagnostic evaluations, in speeches and even in visits to judicial schools that there are recurring doubts about management. We're going to take advantage of Renejum, which is a space for collaborative management, to talk as much as possible; to exchange experiences in the field of management; and to reflect on the management of the Network itself. This is a collaborative space," said the Secretary for Academic Management and Training of Enfam.
Caio Henrique Faustino da Silva, head of the Interinstitutional and International Relations Center of Enfam, stressed that the expectation is to consolidate a collective agenda with the schools. "We need to draw up the general lines of an agenda for the work of the next year. With the maturity that the Network acquires at each meeting, with each action, the great product is to build a collective agenda, to refine listening and dialogue with all the schools in the country," he said.