The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), in partnership with the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), has announced the call for applications for the selection process for regular students of the 13th class of the Professional Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, scheduled to begin in the first semester of 2025.
There are 25 places available, distributed among magistrates and civil servers from the TJTO, AGETO, MPE/TO and TRE/TO, as well as professionals from the justice system in other federal units. Each group has specific vacancies, with reservations for affirmative action for blacks, indigenous people, quilombolas and people with disabilities.
Registrations will be open from January 9th to February 7th, 2025, and the registration fee is R$150.00 (one hundred and fifty reais), with payment made via the Union Collection Form (GRU).
Interested parties should access the public notice and read the document carefully clicking here.
- Supplementary Registration Form
- Evaluation of the Research Project
- Evaluation of the Project Interview
- Examination of qualifications
- Ethnic-Racial Self-Declaration Form
- Declaration of Ethnic Belonging (Indigenous)
- Declaration of Ethnic Belonging (Quilombola)
- Declaration of Disability
- Statement of Responsibility and Veracity of Information