Under the terms of the Notice no. 37, of March 5th, 2024, registrations will be open until 11:59 p.m. on March 8th for all candidates in the CLASSIFIED/RESERVE REGISTRATION situation of the Residency Program with Access to Postgraduate Studies in Judicial Practice (PRJud) interested in applying for an unfilled vacancy - there were no candidates registered - for each of the following districts: NATIVIDADE, WANDERLÂNDIA and PONTE ALTA DO TOCANTINS.
The provisional results can be seen at clicking here (p. 47).
The vacancies referred to in the previous item (item 8 of the Notice) will be filled from the highest to the lowest overall score in the selection process (regardless of the level of jurisdiction or district initially chosen and for which the candidate has already been classified/reserved).
The result of filling these vacancies will be announced on March 15th, 2024, together with the announcement of the final result of the selection process.
Register clicking here.