The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) announces that the Legal Residency Program (PRjud) exams will no longer be held on January 21st. The Selection Committee will set a new date, place and time for the PRJud objective and discursive tests. The publication of the Registration Homologation notice, scheduled for January 16th, will NO longer take place, considering the number of appeals filed. The NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF REGISTRATIONS, after consideration of the appeals, as well as the CALL FOR TESTS, indicating the date, place and time of the tests, will be published on January 23rd, 2023. The calendar for the next stages of the Residency Program with Access to Postgraduate Studies in Judicial Practice (PRJud) will be presented in the same notice. Stay tuned for the publication of the PUBLIC NOTICE on January 23r