Justice Court of Tocantins launches Public Notice for accreditation of Conciliators and Judicial Mediators

Justice Court of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Permanent Center for Consensual Conflict Resolution Methods (NUPEMEC), published, this Monday afternoon (15th), the Public Notice number 212, from 2020, of individuals accreditation to provide services in the areas of judicial conciliators, judicial mediators, restorative facilitators and exhibitors of the Divorce and Parenting Workshop, valid for 60 months from its publication in the Justice Diary of Justice Court of Tocantins. The accredited professionals are individuals who collaborate with the Judiciary of Tocantins, providing relevant public service, without employment relationship.

Professionals must be accredited to work in the twelve Judicial Centers for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSCs), regionalized (Araguaína, Araguatins, Arraias, Colinas, Dianópolis, Guaraí, Gurupi, Miracema, Palmas, Paraíso, Porto Nacional and Tocantinópolis) and distributed throughout the state, and can be designated to act not only at the county seat, but also in other cities and districts.

Entries will be made by Esmat portal at http://esmat.tjto.jus.br/portal/. It should be noted that, when filling out the registration form, the interested party must inform the Regional Cejusc in which they will provide the services.

After finishing the registration in the SAV system, if you want to apply for accreditation, the interested party must send the registration form for accreditation (available for download at the end of this news), the registration certificate issued by the SAV system and the documents contained in Item 6 of the Notice, to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The professional will be able to register for one or all of the functions described in the Notice, as long as he / she has specific training. The documents, however, must be sent only once, regardless of the number of options in which you register, as long as all the training certificates are included.


Click on the area that you want to register:

Judicial Conciliator 

Judicial Mediator

Restorative Justice Facilitator 

Exhibitors of Divorce and Parenting Workshop 

To view the required documents relation for the accreditation click here

Click here to download the Registration Form for the accreditation 

Click here to download the required Declarations for the accreditation

To access the notice click here

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