Registrations Are Open For Workshop On Productivity With A Focus On The Parameterization Of Domestic Violence And Feminicide Cases

On October 17th and 18th, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) will hold a virtual WORKSHOP on Productivity with a focus on the parameterization of domestic violence and femicide cases. The activity is aimed at magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

Those interested can sign in clicking here

The WORKSHOP aims to promote knowledge of the importance of correctly registering the classes, subjects and movements that involve domestic violence and femicide cases, in order to account for the official statistical reports of the National Council of Justice, addressing the theme on “Parameterization of domestic violence and femicide cases”.

About the professor

The training will be given by Kellen Cleya dos Santos Madalena Stakoviak, who has a master's degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, a postgraduate degree in Tax Law and is a member of the Technical Support Committee for DataJud Parameterization at the CNJ, Ordinance No. 9 of the CNJ, of 2021, as well as the Management Group of the Unified Procedural Tables of the State of Tocantins.

Click here for more information.

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