Check Out The Programming Of The Xvii Edition Of The International Congress On Human Rights

The 17th edition of the International Congress on Human Rights, with the theme on “The State of Unconstitutional Things”, will take place between October 2nd and 4th. The event will be held in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) and in the classrooms of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat). With the exception of the mini-courses, the rest of the activities will be broadcast live, allowing people from other cities in the State of Tocantins and regions of Brazil to take part.

The congress is free and open to the public. In this 17th edition, the event aims to promote the exchange of experiences between Brazil and the participating countries, their practices and mechanisms and tools, aimed at defending human rights in order to provide more effective justice. 

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Check out the detailed programming:

On October 2nd, the activities begin at 9 a.m. with four simultaneous mini-courses. The mini-course on “Penal system and human rights in the Americas and Africa” will take place in the auditorium of the TJTO and it will feature international lecturers George Andreopoulos, from the USA, and Mohamed Jaouhar, from Morocco. Three other mini-courses will be offered in the classrooms of Esmat: “Psychoanalysis, authoritarism and human rights”, “Human rights and gerontological public policies: building a society for all ages - EducaDH” and “Peace-building circle as a tool for interpersonal communication and conflict prevention - EducaDH”.

Also on the 2nd, between 2pm and 4pm, there will be an exhibition and evaluation of banners by undergraduate students of UFT, in the entrance hall of the TJTO.

From 5pm to 8pm, the event will be opened by Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, President of the TJTO, and Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat. The moment will include the international lecture on “Correlation between the unconstitutional state of things and the social efficacy of fundamental rights”, given by Portuguese Justice José Manuel Igreja Matos, together with Judges Nuno Miguel Pereira Ribeiro Coelho and José Mouraz Lopes, also from Portugal.

On the second day, October 3rd, the programming starts again at 9am with three more mini-courses in the Esmat rooms, covering the topics of “Memory and decision-making in the analysis of facts and the collection of oral evidence”, “The impact of new technologies on human rights” and “Process mining: data science and process science”.

At 2pm, in the auditorium of the TJTO, there will be a panel debate on “The Brazilian prison system and the ADPF 347”, with panelists Luís Geraldo Lanfredi, a Justice at the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo (TJSP), and Antonio Henrique Graciano Suxberger, from UniCEUB. At around 4pm, panelists Mohamed Jaouhar, from the University of Casablanca (Morocco), and Valério Mazzuoli, from the Federal University of the State of Mato Grosso (UFMG), will discuss “Inter-American and African regional protection systems”.

On the third and final day, October 4th, the activities begin at 9am with “Think Tanks” (referring to groups of experts who meet to discuss, analyze and propose solutions on specific issues), addressing the central theme of the congress: “The unconstitutional state of things: a legal analysis of the normative and institutional reflexes”. Debaters include José Manuel Igreja Matos, Thiago Matsushita, Lauro Ishikawa, as well as representatives from the TJTO.

In the afternoon, there will be two closing thematic panels: “International constitutional court to guarantee democratic rights and human rights” and “Digital justice and artificial intelligence: a reality and a great challenge for the judiciary in Brazil and the world”, with the participation of Thiago Matsushita, George Andreopoulos, Ana Carla Bliacheriene, Luciano Vieira de Araújo and Lauro Ishikawa.

The congress is organized by the Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH), through Esmat, in partnership with the TJTO and the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT).

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