With A Focus On Awareness And Engagement Of The Server, The Judiciary Announces Programming Of The Arbor Week

In the midst of high temperatures, exacerbated by constant fires, according to data from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), 13,169 active hotspots were recorded from January 1st to Sunday (September 15th) only in 2024. This is more than the double of 2023, which recorded 6,549 hotspots in the same period, representing 101% more this year. The Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (PJTO) invites civil servers to a moment of reflection when it opens its programming of the Arbor Day program - September 21st - next Wednesday (September 18th).

With a diversified programming aimed at promoting the defense and preservation of the environment for present and future generations, actions will be developed to promote environmental preservation, starting on Wednesday (September 18th), until Saturday (September 21st), when the date is celebrated.

The initiative complies with the socio-environmental strategic management instrument of the PJTO, the Sustainable Logistics Plan (PLS), which has been in force since December of 2023, and guides the actions of the judiciary during the 2024/2026 biennium. It was organized by the Social and Environmental Management and Social Responsibility Coordination Office (Cogersa), in partnership with other sectors, in line with the main guidelines of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda, especially the SDG 13.


September 18th to 20th – Planting life


12:30 to 6 pm - TJTO, CGJUS and Forum of the city of Palmas

With the aim of encouraging the reforestation of the “Cerrado”, the second largest biome in Brazil and the second most devastated by fires, with 60,056 hotspots per biome, equivalent to 32.6% of destruction according to INPE, the Judiciary is opening the programming with a donation of native tree seedlings, such as cajuí, ipê roxo, aroeira, among others. The action will take place at the headquarters of the Court of Justice, the General Court of Justice (CGJUS) and the Forum of the city of Palmas, from 12:30 to 6pm.

As part of the “Planting Life” project, a team from Cogersa will visit the offices of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) to warn about saving energy, saving water, reducing printing and the importance of reforestation. On that occasion, a sapling of a native or fruit-bearing species from the cerrado will be given to the civil server.


September 18th to 20th - ECOServer

To echo this important initiative to reforest the “Cerrado” devastated by the flames, the Court invites the civil servers involved in the action to spread the message through the “ECOServer” digital campaign. The idea is for the civil server to post a good environmental practice on social media using the hashtags #ECOServer #TJTO, tagging the social network of the Court - @tjtocantins - and promoting the dissemination of good environmental practices (e.g. planting trees, turning off lights, saving water, refusing straws, refusing plastic cups, using glass cups, etc.).

The ECOServer campaign will be permanent and it will be launched during the arbor week. Everyone can join this chain of good, Judges, civil servers, trainees, outsourced workers and employees of the TJTO, as well as society in general.


September 21st – 9 am – Podcast

To close the programming, on Saturday (September 21st), Arbor Day, a podcast will be broadcast with the theme: 'Arbor Week in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins - 2024'. A production of the Judiciary, through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), which can be accessed through the EsmatCast channel. 

The chat will feature the environmental engineer from Cogersa/TJTO, Cinthia Barbosa Pires Azevedo and guests: environmental engineer (UFT), Thiago Oliveira Bandeira and forestry engineer (UFPI), Marla Guedes Cordeiro Carvalho. The presentation/mediation is by Esmat journalist Wherbert Araújo, who has a master's degree and is studying for a doctorate in Environmental Sciences (UFT).  


Profile of the guests

- Thiago Oliveira Bandeira

He has a degree in Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins - UFT, a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences from UFT and a PhD in Environmental Technology from the University of the city of Ribeirão Preto - UNAERP. He was a lecturer at the Catholic University Center of the State of Tocantins - UniCatholic (2014-2022), working on undergraduate courses in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Superior Technology in Environmental Management, Agronomy, Civil Engineering and Postgraduate Studies in Sanitation Engineering, as well as on Research Projects, Extension Projects, Monitoring Programs and the Structuring Teaching Center - NDE. He is a career civil server, in the position of Environmental Engineer at the Secretariat for the Environment and Water Resources - SEMARH/TO (2013-Present). He is a guest lecturer on the Civil Engineering course at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins - UFT, Palmas campus, in the subject of Applied Hydrology. (WITH LATTES INFORMATION - TEXT INFORMED BY THE AUTHOR)

- Marla Guedes Cordeiro Carvalho

She has a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of the State of Piauí (2011), a specialization in Environmental Management from João Calvino College (2013), and a master's degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (2018). She worked in rural extension (Ruraltins) until 2023, as coordinator of the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan Agreement. She is currently a Forest Engineer at the Secretariat for the Environment and Water Resources (SEMARH-TO) and she works in Environmental Consulting. She has experience in Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, with an emphasis on Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, working mainly on the following subjects: forest engineering, nurseries, recovery of degraded areas, litter, planted forests, environmental licensing, forest inventory, low-carbon agriculture, germination and cerrado.

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