Cnj Will Hold Meeting On The Participation Of Women In The Judiciary

On September 12th and 13th, the National Council of Justice (CNJ) will hold the third edition of the meeting Women in Justice: new directions of the Resolution 255/2018 of the CNJ, which aims to discuss the adoption of measures to ensure gender equality in the judiciary. The event, which will also be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the CNJ, has the partnership of the National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (Enfam), will take place at the headquarters of the Council in Brasilia and it  will address, among other issues, the challenges of implementing the resolution; judging from a gender perspective; building human rights for women; and leadership of women in organizations.

Access the programming of the event.

According to the standard, in force since January this year, the judicial bodies must carry out affirmative action of gender for access to the second-degree courts that have not yet reached the minimum level of 40% female Judges in vacancies destined to career magistrates. The rule is not valid for the positions filled by the fifth constitutional (State Prosecution and Advocacy).

The Counselor of the CNJ, Renata Gil, President of the Committee to Encourage Institutional Participation of Women in the Judiciary, said that the meeting "brings light to the new challenges facing the implementation of this affirmative action, in addition to the recognition of the concrete results already achieved in promoting the participation of women in the judiciary". The committee is responsible for preparing studies, scenario analysis, dialogue with the courts and concrete proposals to expand female representation.

To date, eleven magistrates have been promoted as Justices – Ana Luiza Villa Nova (TJSP), Lucicleide Pereira Belo (TJPI), Heloisa Cariello (TJES), Anglizey Solivan de Oliveira (TJMT), Silvana Malandrino Mollo (TJSP), Luciana Bortoleto (TJPR), Sirlei Matinhs da Costa (TJGO), Tania Mara Ahualli (TJSP), Elisabeth Rosa Baisch (TJMS), Maria de Fátima dos Santos Gomes (TJSP) and Erica Ferreira (TJSC).

The Judges promoted to the 2nd degree of jurisdiction were honored in the visual identity of the event. To register, access the form.

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