I Workshop On Good Practices In Collective Guardianship Takes Place In September

The National Council of Justice (CNJ) holds, between September 2nd and 4th, the I Day of Good Practices in Collective Guardianship. The opening will be at 6 pm, in the Superior Tribunal of Labor (TST), and it must have the participation of the President of the Supreme Court (STF) and the CNJ, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso.

The event is organized by the National Forum of Collective Actions (Fonacol), the Superior Labor Court and the National School of the Labor Magistracy (Enamat), and it is intended for members of the Judiciary, the State Prosecution and their units, as well as specialists, jurists, university professors, students and others interested in the subject.

The objective of this first edition is to build a catalog of good practices and communications, whose purpose is to value and disseminate initiatives in collective actions that have contributed, or may contribute, in an innovative and significant way to the solution, conflict prevention or management, whether in the judicial, extrajudicial or through institutional spaces that act in the implementation of judicial policies.

On September 3rd, 2024, panels on guardianship and collective actions will be held in the Superior Labor Court, with focus on several areas. On September 4th, there will be simultaneous thematic workshops where good practices and communications in collective actions at the CNJ will be discussed and presented.

The complete schedule can be checked here.

Get to know the Fonacol

The National Forum of Collective Actions (Fonacol) was created by the Resolution no 138/2011 of the CNJ, updated by the Resolution no 326/2020 of the CNJ. Among other duties, it is aimed at the Forum monitors collective lawsuits involving collective rights and interests, diffuse or individual homogeneous, in addition to propose concrete measures and standards aimed at modernizing procedural routines, the organization, specialization and structuring of judicial units.

Judge Márcio Soares da Cunha, coordinator of the Unit of Precedents and Class Actions Management, is the representative of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins in Fonacol.

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