Cnj Holds Webinar On Integrating Precedent Management Systems With The National Bank (Bnp) This Friday

The National Council of Justice (CNJ), through the Justice 4.0 Program, is holding a webinar this Friday (July 12th) on Integrating Precedent Management Systems into the National Precedent Database (BNP). The event, which takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. via the Cisco Webex platform and the YouTube channel of the CNJ, aims to present and answer questions about the process needed to integrate the corresponding systems into the BNP: a unified platform for textual and statistical research on qualified precedents and precedents in the broad sense, developed in accordance with the Resolution No. 335/2020 of the CNJ.

The webinar is aimed at civil servers, Judges and magistrates of the Judiciary, as well as technical teams that support the management of precedents and the feeding of data into national systems. People interested in taking part should register using the form below. 

The National Bank of Precedents Integrated to the System of Research of Precedents - Pangea/BNP is a unified platform for textual and statistical research into qualified precedents and precedents in the broad sense. In a standardized form and through easy access and quick consultation, Pangea/BNP makes it possible to aggregate, research, analyze, compare and transport important legal information necessary for the uniform treatment of repetitive or mass legal claims.

Justice 4.0 Program 

Iniciado em 2020, o Programa Justiça 4.0 é fruto de um acordo de cooperação firmado entre o Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ) e o Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD), com apoio do Conselho da Justiça Federal (CJF), Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST), Conselho Superior da Justiça do Trabalho (CSJT) e Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE). Seu objetivo é desenvolver e aprimorar soluções tecnológicas para tornar os serviços oferecidos pela Justiça brasileira mais eficientes, eficazes e acessíveis à população, além de otimizar a gestão processual para magistrados, servidores, advogados e outros atores do sistema de Justiça. 


Date: July 12th of 2024 

Time: 10h30 am to 12 pm (Brasília time) 

Location:  Cisco Webex platform, with live transmission by the YouTube channel of the CNJ. 

Registrations Link: 

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