Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), took part on Thursday (June 20th) in the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement with the Electoral Court of the State of Tocantins to combat disinformation in the municipal elections of this year. The event took place in the auditorium of the Regional Electoral Court of the State of Tocantins (TRE-TO) and was attended by several authorities, including Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), and Justice Ângela Issa Haonat, President of the Commission to Combat Disinformation of the TRE of the State of Tocantins.
Also present were representatives of civil society, party organizations, professionals and businesspeople from the area of communication in the State of Tocantins. In his speech, Justice João Rigo Guimarães, President of the TRE-TO, highlighted the importance of the agreement for the defense of democracy and said: "this cooperation agreement is a mark in our fight against disinformation" and "the union of various institutions is essential to guarantee the integrity of the electoral process".
Justice João Rigo Guimarães mentioned that the commission chaired by Justice Ângela Issa Haonat is made up of "trained civil servers and technicians from the most diverse sectors of the court, which guarantees knowledge, experience and plurality". She also added that the TRE already has a plan to combat disinformation, approved by the full court, which provides for several actions.
"By joining us once again, the institutions and the media and their professionals are acting for the benefit of truth, transparency, security and full democracy," said Justice Angela Haonat.
Commenting on the activities of the Commission, she cited meetings and deliberations, including "campaigns in the mainstream media and on social networks; meetings, technical events with the justice system and various sectors of society, to spread information based on facts and credibility".
Representing the journalists of the State, Alessandra Bacelar, President of the Union of Journalists of the State of Tocantins (Sindjor), was present. In addition to her, communication professionals and businesspeople from the sector also took part in the event and were honored by the Electoral Court.
"We would also like to thank the media and the professionals in the field for their daily struggle to disseminate information safely and credibly. You are a very important part of this process," said the President of the TRE-TO.
Signing the agreement were Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO); Justice Marco Villas Boas, Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat); Prosecutor Abel Andrade Leal Júnior, regional superintendent of the Federal Police in the State of Tocantins; representing Mr. Luciano Casaroti, General Attorney of Justice; Reginaldo Donizetti Gallan Batista, Attorney of the Republic; Igor de Andrade Barbosa, Chief Public Defender of the Federal Public Defender's Office; Maria do Carmo Cota, Social Class Public Defender, who represented Estellamaris Postal, Public Defender of the State of Tocantins; lawyer Taumartugo José Rufino Neto, who represented Gedeon Pitaluga, President of the Brazilian Bar Association - Tocantins Section (OAB-TO); Denis Luciano Pereira, General Director of external control, who represented André Luiz de Matos Gonçalves, President of the Court of Auditors of the State of Tocantins (TCE-TO); Luís Eduardo Bovolato, Rector of the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT); Marília Naomi Couto de Oliveira Andrade, representing Alessandro Pecoraro Salles, superintendent of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency in the State of Tocantins (ABIN-TO); Councillor Daniel Nascimento, representing Councillor José do Lago Folha Filho, Mayor of the city of Palmas.