On Wednesday (June 5th), the Directorate of People Management (Digep), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), concluded the Workshop on the Impacts of Teleworking on Quality of Life and Mental Health with classes I, II and III of teleworking civil servers.
The workshop was aimed at employees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins who work remotely and managers of employees who work remotely, all in accordance with the Resolution 20 of 2020.
The aim of the activity was to intensify the positive aspects of teleworking, providing guidance, assistance and protection at work; preventing illnesses and consequently maintaining the health and quality of life of teleworkers and their respective managers, and ensuring the productivity and effectiveness of the work provided to the courts.
The workshop was held in distance learning mode and taught by Professor Maria Júlia Pantoja de Brito, who holds a doctorate in Organizational and Work Psychology from UnB (2004) and is a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Public Management at the University of Brasília (UnB), and by Fernando Roberto Malheiros, a master's student in the Professional and Interdisciplinary Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights - Esmat/UFT, who has a postgraduate degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure from Gama Filho University in the State of Rio de Janeiro (2009).