Attention, Magistrates, members of the State Prosecution, Public Attorneys, Lawyers, Advisors, civil servers and legal professionals! The “1st Regional Congress on Administrative Improbity” will be held in the city of Cuiabá on June 20th and 21st.
The event is an initiative of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmagis-MT), in partnership with the Judicial School of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (EjudMS), the Judicial Training School of the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territorries (EjuDFT), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Goiás (EJUG) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat).
The coordinators of the Congress are Judges Agamenon Alcântara Moreno Júnior, from the 3rd Public Finance Court of the city of Cuiabá; Bruno D'Oliveira Marques, from the Court Specialized in Collective Actions of the city of Cuiabá; and Celia Regina Vidotti, from the Court Specialized in Collective Actions of the city of Cuiabá. According to the organizers, the law on administrative improbity is an extremely relevant topic in the educational and pedagogical context, as it is a true mark in the fight against corruption in Brazil.
The law aims to protect probity in the organization of the State and in the exercise of its functions, as a way of ensuring the integrity of public and social assets. “Law No. 14.230, of 2021, promoted profound changes in the law of administrative improbity, both materially and procedurally.
In this context, the Congress will promote the improvement of participants on the subject; it will enable the exchange of experiences and good practices among those registered, strengthening the protection of integrity, ethics, transparency and responsibility in the handling of public affairs,” said Judge Agamenon Alcântara M. Júnior.
Click here and register!
Image description: advertising artwork with dark blue background and green colored waves. Map of the States of Mato Grosso, Federal District, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul and Tocantins in waves. Text: I Regional Congress on Administrative Improbity. June 20th and 21st - Headquarters of the Court of Justice of the State of Mato Grosso. Below logos of the Judiciary of the States of Mato Grosso, Esmagis, EjudDF, Ejug and EjudMS.