This coming Monday (May 27th), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will hold the WEBINAR Love in action, with the theme on “Ethnic-racial, sexual orientation and gender identity issues in adoption processes”. The activity will be held remotely via the GOOGLE MEET platform, from 8.30am to 11.50am.
The topic complies with the Resolution 532 of the National Council of Justice of 2023, which determines that courts and magistrates must ensure that any form of discrimination against sexual orientation and gender identity in adoption proceedings is combated.
For this dialog, the event will feature the participation of Judge Eduardo Rezende Melo, coordinator of the pedagogical area of Childhood and Youth at the School of the Judges of the State of São Paulo, and Lindomar Expedito Silva Darós, PhD and post-doctorate in public policies and human formation.
Judges, civil servers, trainees, collaborators and professionals accredited by the Management Group of the Multidisciplinary Teams of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins; Prosecutors and civil servers from the State Prosecution and Defenders and civil servers from the Public Defender's Office of the State of Tocantins, who work in the area of Children and Youth, can apply.
Registrations can be made clicking here.
The WEBINAR aims to promote a space for dialogue and reflection on the complexities of ethnic-racial issues, sexual orientation and gender identity in the context of adoption processes, with a view to raising awareness, respecting diversity and promoting more inclusive and equitable policies and practices in the adoption system.
The public notice can be found at clicando aqui.