TJMS will hold II International Seminar on Restorative Justice and the Environment

On May 8th and 9th, the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul will host the II International Seminar on Restorative Justice and the Environment, which will be held in the auditorium of the Pantanal Biopark. The Judiciary of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, through the Judicial School of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Ejud-MS) and the Permanent Center for Consensual Methods of Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice (Nupemec), is one of the partners of the event.

Registrations are open until May 7th and they can be made via the link, clicking here. The seminar will be aimed at magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, members of the Restorative Justice throughout the Judiciary (state, federal, labor, electoral) and the general public. 

A total of 250 vacancies have been made available in person, 30 of which are for magistrates from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul and 220 for magistrates from other States, as well as those interested in the subject in general. However, vacancies will be unlimited for those who wish to follow the event remotely, as it will be broadcast on the Youtube channel of the Ejud-MS. 

Among the activities planned for the seminar are workshops. Coordinating the event will be João Batista Salm, co-founder of the international cooperation between Canada and Brazil in the area of restorative justice in partnership with Brazilian Judges and the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Federal Judge Raquel Domingues do Amaral, a researcher in Ecological Ethics, the Rights of Nature and Environmental Restorative Justice.

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