Chief Justice Of The State Of Tocantins Elected President Of The National Land Forum Of Chief Justices

Foto: Elias Oliveira (TJTO)
“Quero colaborar com todos, buscando soluções significativas e promovendo maior progresso na regularização fundiária, tanto urbana quanto rural”, disse a desembargadora Maysa

For the first time, a woman will preside over the National Land Forum of General Chiefs of the Courts of Justice of the country. Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal, head of the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the State of Tocantins, was acclaimed to the main position of the collegiate body on Thursday (April 25th), at the opening of the second day of the 93rd National Meeting of Corregedores-General de Justiça (Enconge), which is taking place in Palmas.

The magistrate will replace Justice José Ribamar Fróz Sobrinho, Chief Justice of the Court of Justice of the State of Maranhão, who led the Forum for the last year and who will assume the Presidency of the Court of the State of Maranhão in the coming days, in the city of São Luís. Along with her, the following were also elected: Justice Ana Bernardete Leite de Carvalho Andrade, General Chief Justice of the State of Sergipe, as vice-President of the forum; and the new members of the Advisory Council - Judges Ticiany Gedeon Maciel Palácio (TJMA) and Indira Fábia dos Santos Meireles (TJBA), and Judges Douglas Lima da Guia (TJMA) and Wellington Magalhães (TJTO).  

The President of the Permanent College of Chiefs and General Chiefs of the Courts of Justice of Brazil (CCOGE), Justice Jomar Fernandes, Chief Justice of the State of Amazonas, highlighted his joy at seeing the recognition of the competence and dedication of the new magistrates and wished them success, knowing that their contribution will be significant, especially in an area of extreme complexity such as land regularization and governance. 

After the election, Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal thanked the Judges for their trust and said she was truly honored to lead the Forum. "I want to collaborate with everyone, seeking meaningful solutions and promoting greater progress in land regularization, both urban and rural," she said, emphasizing that she counts on the support and contribution of all the Judges to achieve the planned objectives, with action focused on promoting land policies that contribute to land regularization and better land management in the Brazilian States.

93º Encoge acontece até esta sexta-feira, em Palmas


On behalf of the other members of the CCOGE and the Forum, the Chief Justice of the State of Rondônia, Justice Gilberto Barbosa, thanked Justice José Ribamar Fróz Sobrinho for his work. "I am honored to speak at a time when Justice Fróz is preparing to take over the presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Maranhão. He leaves his legacy in this collegiate body, marked by an unwavering commitment to justice and ethics. He contributed greatly to our collegiate body overcoming the challenges that arose. His role was fundamental for strengthening the Brazilian Judiciary, especially the State Ombudsmen," Barbosa said.

When saying goodbye to those present, Justice José Ribamar Fróz Sobrinho made a point of greeting and thanking each of the magistrates, quoting a phrase from the Brazilian writer Guimarães Rosa, in the work "Grande Sertão: Veredas" (Great Wilderness: Pathways): "the real is neither at the exit nor at the arrival - it becomes available to us in the middle of the crossing". "This crossing brings us different lessons on a daily basis," he commented, adding that his work in the General Internal Affairs Department, the CCOGE and the forum has given him a rewarding and enriching experience. 

Fróz also mentioned Minister Luis Felipe Salomão, the National Ombudsman, his support and the new paths indicated for the General Internal Affairs Departments during the administration of Salomão. "And one of them has helped strengthen the relationship with the extrajudicial sector," he said, concluding that the National Land Forum has grown significantly, a work whose result reflects greater human dignity, social inclusion, fraternity and acceptance. 

Profile of the new President of the National Land Forum of General Chiefs of the Courts of Justice

The General Chief Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal, has a degree in Law from the Anhanguera College of Human Sciences in the city of Goiânia and in Social Communication and Journalism from the Federal University of the State of Goiás. She specialized in Family Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law.

She began her professional career as a civil server in the Judiciary of the State of Goiás in 1980, where she remained until taking up her post as a magistrate in the State of Tocantins in 1989. She worked in the civil and criminal areas, in the Jury Court and in the Appeals Panel in the Courts of Cristalândia, Araguatins, Gurupi and Palmas. In 2014 she was promoted to Judge by seniority. In the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, she served on the 1st Civil Chamber and the 2nd Criminal Chamber, and she was also a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat); she was supervisor of the Monitoring, Accompaniment and Improvement Group of the Prison System (GMF); vice-President of the Second Degree Budget Committee of the State Judiciary; and a member of the Council of the Judiciary.

Judge Maysa was also a member of the Management Committee of the Precedents Management Center (NUGEP), a member of the Intelligence Center of the Precedents Management Center (CINUGEP), presided over the Uniformization Panel in the State Courts System and she was a member of several committees of the TJTO.


Also acclaimed on Thursday (April 25th), during the 93rd Encoge, was Justice Luiz Antônio Zanini Fornerolli, Chief of Justice of the Court of Justice of the State of Santa Catarina, who will now occupy the position of 1st Treasurer of the Permanent College of Chiefs and General Chiefs of the Courts of Justice of Brazil (CCOGE), replacing Justice J.J. Costa Carvalho, whose mandate in the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the Federal District and Territories has come to an end. 

Elected - Forum

President - Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal (TJTO);

Vice-President - Justice Ana Bernardete Leite de Carvalho Andrade (TJSE);

Advisory Board – Forum

Judge Ticiany Gedeon Maciel Palácio (TJMA);

Judge Indira Fábia dos Santos Meireles (TJBA);

Judge Douglas Lima da Guia (TJMA);

Judge Wellington Magalhães (TJTO).

Elected – CCOGE

1st Treasurer - Justice Luiz Antônio Zanini Fornerolli (TJSC).

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