Esmat Promotes Seminar On Combating Corruption

"It's a privilege to deal with such an important issue these days for Western democracies and one that concerns the United Nations and all those who value democracy on a global level," said Justice Marco Villas Boas when he opened the Seminar on Combating Corruption, Improbity and Electoral Crimes, on Wednesday (December 6th), in the auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).

In his speech, the Director of Esmat highlighted the importance of respecting civil rights, creating opportunities for development and promoting a global association based on cooperation. In addition to the need to combat disparities, especially in terms of development and overcoming problems such as poverty, misery and hunger, issues which are attributed in part to the corruption present in some democratic systems.

Judge Wellington Magalhães, Deputy Director of Esmat and coordinator of the event, thanked Justice Marco for supporting the Seminar and stressed the importance of the debate on the subject. Prosecutor Abel Andrade Leal Júnior, Deputy General Attorney and head of the Office of the General Attorney, commented that "Meetings like this are important, as they are aimed at raising awareness and dialogue".


The first lecture was given by Councillor Saulo Marques Mesquita, president of the Court of Auditors of the State of Goiás (TCE-GO), who addressed the collaborative work of the Court of Auditors and the Judiciary in the fight against corruption. He discussed some aspects of the theory of corruption, the control system and the work of the Court of Auditors, and the environment for collaborative action with the Judiciary.

Talking about the Transparency Law, he said that "transparency is a very important instrument of democracy precisely because it obliges public managers to provide information of public interest to the population and enables them to exercise social control".

For the president of the TCE-GO, "corruption is a harmful evil to society because it deprives the State of essential resources to meet the basic needs of the population, the existential minimum, thus frustrating the realization of fundamental rights". Counselor Doris Terezinha Pinto Cordeiro de Miranda Coutinho, of the Court of Auditors of the State of Tocantins, was in charge of the repercussions of account judgments in the investigation of crimes of corruption and administrative improbity.

In the afternoon, Judge Roniclay Alves de Morais, of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), gave a presentation on important aspects of the processing of administrative improbity actions. Legislative changes. The fourth and final presentation was given by Judge Eustáquio de Melo Junior, also from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, on the subject of the main electoral crimes and the case law of the TSE.


The seminar aimed to promote awareness and debate on issues related to the fight against corruption, improbity and electoral crimes, with a view for helping strengthen integrity, transparency and accountability in the political and administrative spheres.

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