Esmat Opens Registration For A Round Of Conversation To Mark The Black Awareness Day

On November 20th, 2023, the General Internal Affairs of Justice (CGJus) in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Catholic University Center of the State of Tocantins - UniCatólica will hold the Round of Conversation in reflection of the Black Awareness Day. This event, which will take place in person at the auditorium of UniCatólica in the city of Palmas, will address issues related to black culture and identity, with the aim of raising awareness and highlighting the importance of this date in the fight against racism.

The round of conversation is an initiative that aims to make people aware of the reality of structural racism in society. Through discussions and exchanges of experiences, the aim is to broaden knowledge about Afro-Brazilian culture and strengthen the fight against racial prejudice.

The event is aimed at civil servers, magistrates, trainees and employees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, students, professors, professionals from the Brazilian Justice System and members of the community in general, with a workload of 4 hours.

Register, clicking here.

For more information, click here.

Three speakers will take part in this round of conversation:

Ana Claudia Matos da Silva

She is the author of the book "Flight of the Earth Bees”, a Reading Notebook Project, No. 0699, approved in the Call for Proposals of 2017, from the Municipal Culture Promotion Policy of the city of Belo Horizonte (Law No. 11.010, of 2016).

Diego Panhussatti Rodrigues de Luz

Graduated in Law from UFT. Postgraduate student in Human Rights and ethnic-social issues at UniBrasília. Member of the National Coordination of the “Blacknening”. Militant of the Unified Black Movement (MNU). Works at the Agrarian Center of the Public Defender's Office. Member of the State Council for Combating Slave Labor. Member of the Council of the State Movement for Human Rights (MEDH).

Judge Renata do Nascimento e Silva

Master's degree in Legal Sciences from the College of Law of the University of Lisbon. Specialist in Public Law at Projection College, in agreement with the Center for Legal Studies – Federal District Fortium.

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