With The Participation Of The General Director Of Esmat, The 7th Expojud Debates The Role Of The Judicial Schools In The Digital Transformation Of Justice

The Congress on Technology, Innovation and Law for the Justice Ecosystem (Expojud) opened up space on Wednesday (October 25th) to discuss the role of the judicial schools in the digital transformation of justice. From the State of Tocantins, the president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judiciary (Copedem) and General Director of the Superior School of Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), Justice Marco Villas Boas, took part in the panel. The President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, accompanied the presentation.

Mediating the debate, the Justice from the State of Tocantins highlighted the importance of the judicial schools in the process of transforming the Judiciary and stressed the need to use technology to solve the problems and challenges facing the judiciary. 

"The schools are largely responsible for preparing magistrates and civil servers to deal with this new reality; we have to apply innovation and transformation within the justice system in search of solutions and improvements so that we have better quality and more effective justice," he said.

The General Director of Esmat also highlighted the use of artificial intelligence as a tool for improving the work carried out and warned of the constant evolution of the technologies. "We're going to be very surprised by the new technologies that will come along and these reflections promoted here are always very welcome in the search to use the best strategies to solve the problems involving the judiciary, especially the social ones, so that citizenship can be exercised to the full," he said.

The panel was also attended by Justice Célia Regina de Lima Pinheiro, General Director of the Judicial School of the Judiciary of the State of Pará (EJPA), Justice Rommel Araújo de Oliveira, General Director of the Judicial School of the State of Amapá (EJAP), and Judge Silvio Romero Beltrão, supervisor of the Judicial School of the State of Pernambuco (Esmape).

Cooperation Agreement

Also on Wednesday, during the Expojud, the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judiciary (Copedem) signed the Technical, Academic and Scientific Cooperation Agreement with the company J.EX "with the aim of exchanging and sharing experiences through courses, training and meetings via the J.ExPlay platform, a content hub for the Brazilian Justice ecosystem created with the aim of hosting, training and updating Judges, civil servers and collaborators on topics aligned with digital transformation, exponential technologies and behavioral skills."

For the President of Copedem, Justice Marco Villas Boas, the partnership will contribute greatly to the evolution and digital transformation of the Judiciary. "Ademir Piccoli, through J. Ex., is very generously making available to Copedem all the content and tools already created by the company, which will bear good fruit for the Brazilian justice," he said, emphasizing the ongoing debate between the judicial schools about artificial intelligence and the need to "interact, exchange experiences and technological operation to develop the tools that the Judiciary needs."


With the theme on Accelerating the Transformation of Justice, the 7th edition of Expojud will be held between October 24th and 26th in Brasilia/DF. With various lectures, panels, workshops and exhibitions, this event of this year highlights technology as an important tool for change in a reality where transformations are taking place at a great speed and the future challenges Justice to think about the destiny it wants to build.

Check out the programming.

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