The opening of the 1st Week of Dialogues on Equality and Diversity, this Tuesday (October 17th), was made by the the general ombudsman of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal. On the occasion, she emphasized the importance of the space to promote dialogue on issues such as gender and racial equality, combating LGBTphobia, ableism and ageism. "We need to talk and act to see changes in practice that promote accessibility, inclusion and guarantee the rights of minorities," she said.
As she also pointed out, the event is part of the strategic actions set out in the Management Plan of the Justice Department of the State of Tocantins (CGJUS) for the 2023-2025 biennium and it is in line with Goal 2H, which aims to guarantee accessibility, transparency and human rights.
The Assistant Judge of the CGJUS and coordinator of the Citizenship Coordination, Arióstines Guimarães Vieira, also highlighted the relevance of the debate and stressed that the event "marks, demarcates and, above all, signals the path we have chosen to follow in the Judiciary".
Importance of the Dialogue
"I'm 36 years old, I've had a career for more than 10 years, and because I'm black I have to reaffirm the same things all the time: our speech isn't enough, our professional CV isn't enough, we need to be 10 times better and it's still not enough," said Deyze dos Anjos, a technician from the School Mediation, Culture of Peace and Human Rights management department of the State Education Department, one of the participants in the event. For her, the dialog promoted by the Judiciary on the subject is extremely important. "We see a structural moment of change in mentality; we welcome this movement that the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins is making, we see a pioneering spirit, an act of courage in this structural change in this new state, with a more plural education," she added.
Professor Gleys Ially Ramos was also present on the first day of the Week and spoke about her satisfaction at being able to take part. "I'm super excited, the themes have a big impact because people are thirsty to have this debate, they are thirsty to belong to this debate. So making it accessible is certainly the best way forward. As well as making a difference, it's important that we feel we belong in these spaces too. It's not just the transformation of thought, but our participation in the transformation of that thought," she said.
On Wednesday (October 18th), the program will begin with the panel Approach to the trial protocol with a gender perspective, mediated by Judge Renata do Nascimento e Silva, coordinator of the Week. During the event, the themes on "LGBTphobia as a structural phenomenon", "Recognition as a process of building visibility and justice in Quilombola communities in the State of Tocantins" and "Rights to be Proud of - Achievements of the LGBTQIAPN+ People/LGBphobia as a Necropolitics of the Brazilian State" will be discussed.
On the 19th and 20th, in distance learning mode, the topics on "Knowledge and legal practice of the protocol for judgment with a gender perspective in the fight against violence against women" and "Introduction to the protocol for judgment on the gender perspective in Brazilian justice in the view of the National Council of Justice (CNJ)" will be dealt with.
"We live in a plural and diverse society, but to what extent do we find support, action, understanding about this issue and what to do about our differences? The space for this dialog is what we propose and, for this reason, it is a pleasure to finally have a Week like this in our Judiciary of the State of Tocantins," said the magistrate.
Registrations of the First Week of Dialogues on Equality and Diversity continue until Friday (October 20th).
The event was attended by the vice-president of the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB), Luciane Freire Marques; the Judge Director of the Association of Women in Legal Careers, Delicia Feitosa; representing the Racial Equality Commission of the BAR of the State of Tocantins, Leossandro Vila Nova; the President of the Sexual Diversity Commission of the AMB of the State of Tocantins and the Family Law Legal Career Association of the State of Tocantins, Leandro Alves Carvalho; and the head of the CGJUS office, Lívia Guimarães.