Mathieu Disant, Professor At Sorbone, Argues That Cost And Time Cannot Be Obstacles To The Protection Of Human Rights

Better drafting of projects and dossiers, accelerated de-judicialization and a change in the vocabulary of Judges are some of the weapons for strengthening the defense of human rights protection.

This is what Mathieu Disant, professor at the Sorbonne Law School, said (via video conference) during the closing session of the 15th International Congress on Human Rights, this Friday (September 15th), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).

Also director of the master's program in "Justice Systems" and Procedural Law at the University of Paris, Mathieu Disant recalled that the writing of texts, with a focus on simplifying language, has improved a lot in France. "In 2012, a reflection began on how it should be written, which ended up being generalized for courts and tribunals.


Freedom and solidarity

Speaking about the new realities of human rights, Laura Miraut, a professor of Philosophy of Law in Spain, pointed out that technological development is an important instrument for adapting to the new values of human rights, which she said are fundamental in relation to freedom, where new values of human rights are fundamental, such as freedom and solidarity.

Also speaking, lawyer Marcelo Ribeiro recalled that the State establishes, through the law, an instrument of security for the citizen, for the court, in the face of possible State arbitrariness.

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