With the theme on "Towards a more accessible and effective justice system in defense of human rights", the 15th edition of the International Congress on Human Rights opened on Wednesday (September 13th). The opening ceremony, held in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), was marked by tributes and the launch of the book "Writings in honor of Justice Marco Villas Boas".
Opening the event, the General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) and General Coordinator of the Congress, Justice Marco Villas Boas, emphasized that the Congress once again focuses on access to justice, on the effectiveness of human rights so that they are fulfilled and well interpreted by the Judiciary and other institutional bodies. On the occasion, the Justice also spoke about human rights as a cultural construction of humanity from the perspective of human dignity.
“There is a need to be a much broader understanding, an inter-judicial and inter-constitutional dialogue at international level so that we can really make the protection systems effective," he said, commenting that education is a vital element in building rights.”
With 1,137 registered, the event will be attended by speakers from Brazil and seven other countries (France, Mexico, Colombia, Japan, Egypt, Spain and Portugal). Organized by the Postgraduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, the Congress is held by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, through Esmat and the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), with the aim of promoting the exchange of experiences and practices aimed at protecting and guaranteeing human rights, as well as improving judicial delivery and bringing the judiciary closer to citizens.
Inclusion, accessibility, justice and citizenship
For the director of postgraduate studies at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins, Karyleila dos Santos Andrade Klinger, the central theme of the Congress is essential for bringing inclusion, accessibility, justice and citizenship to the people of the State of Tocantins.
"An inclusive and simplified language and communication, through its debureaucratization, can make the law more accessible to citizens," she said.
The coordinator of the Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, Professor Gustavo Paschoal, said that the Congress is a source of great pride and satisfaction, as it is a moment when it is possible to hold debates and exchange ideas on all issues related to human rights.
Authorities in attendance
The event was opened by the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Justice, Deusaino Amorim; the General Attorney, Luciano Casaroti; Professor Luiz Roberto Liza Curi, President of the National Education Council; the Federal Counselor of the Brazilian Bar Association, Adwardys Vinhal; the coordinator of the Specialized Center for the Defense of Human Rights of the State Public Defender's Office, Euler Nunes; and the General Attorney of the Municipality of Palmas, Mauro Ribas; Justices Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, and Angela Haonat, Deputy Director of Esmat; Judge Esmat Custódio, who represented the General Chief of Justice, Maysa Vendramini; and the international coordinator of the congress, Carla Amado Gomes.
For his work in improving the Brazilian education system, Professor Luiz Roberto Liza Curi, president of the National Education Council, is the honoree of this edition of the International Congress on Human Rights.
The honoree is a sociologist, holds a doctorate in economics, was President of the Chamber of Higher Education for two terms (2016 to 2018) and President of the Anísio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (Inep), linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), and he is currently President of the National Education Council.
When he presented the plaque to the Professor, Justice Marco Villas Boas praised his intellectual capacity and the services he has rendered throughout Brazil and abroad to Brazilian education, highlighting his encouragement of the link between the Judiciary and the Federal University in the State of Tocantins.
Professor Curi, for his part, highlighted the immense honor of receiving the tribute, saying that it was a highlight of his career. After describing his professional life, he said that Brazilian education is the basis of expression.
"Human rights must be brought to the forefront of the process of planning and social development so that there is a national territory that expresses a state, a nation suitable to house its economy, its growth and all the cultural expression capable of transmitting its relevance to the world," he stressed.
The professor commented that education is the basis of rights. "A country without a universal education system, as provided for in the Brazilian Constitution, is obviously a country that chooses to grow in inequality, that chooses to have unhappy people, that chooses to have a large proportion of its population at risk," he said.
Academic honor
During the opening of the congress, the book "Writings in honor to Justice Marco Villas Boas" was launched, conceived and organized by Professors Tarsis Barreto Oliveira, Gustavo Paschoal Teixeira de Castro Oliveira and Angela Issa Haonat.

Speaking about the honoree, Justice Angela Haonat mentioned some of the qualities that make up his personality and recalled details of the history of the Justice in the early 2000s, when he joined the Court of Justice.
On the occasion, copies of the book were given to Justice Marco Villas Boas and the authorities present. The authors of the book are: Adilson Cunha Silva, Andrea Cardinaleurani Oliveira de Morais, Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Carla Amado Gomes, Edilene Pereira Amorim Alfaix Natário, Eduardo Carlos Bianca Bittar, Esmar Custodio Vencio Filho, Fernanda Matos Fernandes de Oliveira Jurubeba, Gisele Pereira de Assunção Veronezi, Hélvia Túlia Sandes Pedreira, Jeronymo Pedro Villas Boas, José Mouraz Lopes, José Ribamar Mendes Júnior, Júlia Maia de Meneses, Nélio Rodrigues Póvoa Neto, Ricardo Gagliardi, Roniclay Alves de Morais, Rubem Ribeiro de Carvalho, Tiago Gagliano Pinto Alberto, Valerio de Oliveira Mazzuoli, Vítor Hugo Póvoa Villas Boas and Yuri Anderson Pereira.