The highlight of Thursday morning (August 24th), the second day of the First Meeting of Restorative Justice in Education, was the "Pitches of Good Practice" - short, direct presentations on a specific activity - in the case of Restorative Justice, examples of successful implementation of activities already developed in education. Opening the program, the pitches served as inspiration for the participants present in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).
Judge Bianca Prediger began the presentations by talking about the "Peace Missions: Restorative Justice in the district of Santo Ângelo", in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In her speech, she highlighted:
"We believe that the Restorative Justice is the justice of humanity, which is being formed in the construction of values of peace and fraternity. And the practices speak for themselves, they demonstrate its validity," she said.
Judge Luciana Costa Aglantzakis presented her experience in the districts of Pedro Afonso and Itacajá, where she spoke about "Financial Education and Restorative Justice for the Indigenous Krahô Community". Luciana stressed the importance of raising awareness about the rights of the indigenous peoples and their access to justice.
For her part, Judge Maria Lúcia Prati took a few minutes to explain the "Restorative Practices Program at School: You and I in Peace Building at the TJMT". According to Maria Lúcia,
"Restorative Justice and the protection system converge very well, and the results are very significant, it's worth all our involvement," she commented.
Judge Pedro Begatti, from the Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais, spoke about the "Restorative School Program". He emphasized that the focus of the program is peace circles for students from the 6th to 9th grade in public and private schools in the district.
Judge Marcus Vinícius Mendes focused on the impact of the "Conversation Circles and Conflict Resolution" on the implementation of Restorative Justice in schools. He emphasized the positive changes that have taken place since these activities were carried out.
Another outstanding presentation came from Judge Vanessa Cavaliere, from the State of Rio de Janeiro, who presented the "I see you" Protocol, aimed at preventing school violence. She explained that the protocol aims to prevent students from feeling invisible to the point where they resort to violence.
"Our proposal is that they can be seen by everyone before they turn to violence and then be recognized as human beings who matter and then find belonging," said Vanessa.
Finally, psychologist Valquíria Redua da Silva also contributed to the pitches by presenting the "Restorative Justice" actions carried out in state schools by the State Department of Education of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.
The meeting also featured a performance by the "Perfect Love” Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra, made up of students and members of the local community, seeks to revive cultural values through music, awakening in the students a love of art.