High level of discussion, diverse interactions, knowledge exchange and undeniable prestige. Thus can be evaluated the event held on Monday morning (August 7th), in the auditorium of the Judicial School of the State of Goiás (Ejug), the XVIII Edition of the International Seminar of the Research Group Dialogue ACI - Constitutional Environmental Dialogue. With lectures and debates attended by renowned professors, jurists and magistrates from different parts of the country, and broadcast by the Ejug channel on Youtube, with an important number of remote followers, the seminar drew attention for the relevance of the theme - "Administrative simplification and environmental protection" - and for the level of excellence of the speakers. The academic programming was attended by the Deputy Director of Esmat, Justice Angela Issa Haonat.
The seminar continued in the afternoon, starting at 3 pm, when scientific papers selected by the ACI Dialogue were presented in different remote rooms. To be in one of them, it was enough to access the Ejug website and enter via the link available on the portal. The meeting of this morning was the result of a partnership between Ejug and the University of the city of Fortaleza (Unifor), University of Salamanca (Spain), University of Coimbra (Portugal) and Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).
The activities were initiated by the director of Ejug, Justice Jeronymo Pedro Villas Boas, at 9 am, with the Panel 1 - Environmental, which featured lectures by Jurists Ana Carla Bliacheriene (USP), who spoke about "Emerging Technologies for a Government Attentive to the Environment: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Promoting Effective Public Policies", followed by the Professor of the College of Law of the Federal University of the State of Goiás (UFG), Emiliano Lôbo de Godoi, who addressed "Municipal Environmental Public Policies". The panel was finalized with the presentation of the Master's student in International Relations, Paula Santos Vieiria (UFBAC), who dealt with "Climate as a Persecuting Agent in Refugee Migration".
Panel 2
In the Panel 2 Constitutional A the theme on "Extrajudicialization: Microsystem of Solidification of Rights in the Real Estate Registry" was the subject of explanation of the Real Estate Registry Officer Rodrigo Esperança Borba. Following, Júlia Maia de Meneses (Unifor) spoke about "Cyberculture, Sexism and Gender Perfomance in Artificial Intelligences". Afterwards, the participants attended the lecture by the the Deputy Director of Esmat, Justice Angela Issa Haonat, on "Extrajudicial Land Regularization as an Instrument of Access to Justice and Social Pacification". Last to speak, Professor Bleine Queiroz Caúla (Unifor), addressed "The Energy (In)sustainability of the Electric Car Industry and the Reserve Logistics of Batteries - A Legal Analysis of the Economy".
Panel 3
The last, Panel 3 - Environmental, Constitutional and International began with a lecture by the Judge of the TJGO and Professor at Unicerrado and Ulbra, Guilherme Sarri Carreira, on "The Structural Process in the Resolution of Environmental Conflicts". Soon after, Carolina Soares Hissa (UFG) spoke on "The Impacts of Environmental Racism in the Context of Forced Displacement" and Bruna Sousa Paula (SATE), on "Fundamental Right - The Name of the Migrant".