With the proposal to promote understanding and awareness of the principles and values of the (RJ) in Education, discussing best practices and strategies for implementation, as well as identifying and discussing challenges and obstacles that may arise when implementing the Restorative Justice in Education, the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through the State Management Committee of the Restorative Justice in this Power, in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the National Council of Justice (CNJ), will hold, between August 23rd and 25th, in the city of Palmas, the 1st National Meeting of Restorative Justice in Education. The event will be attended by Minister Rosa Weber, President of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and the Supreme Court (STF).
350 vacancies are being offered in the face-to-face modality for principals of State Education Network Schools; Multidisciplinary Teams (social workers and psychologists) of State Education Network Schools; Pedagogical Teams (coordinators and counselors) of State Education Network Schools; magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins; members of civil society; parents and/or guardians of students of the State Education Network Schools; teachers of the State and Municipal Education Networks Schools; teachers of the Private Education Network Schools; teachers and professors of public and private universities; servers of the Defender's Office; servers of Seduc - TO; servers of the Regional Superintendence of Education; servers of the Guardianship Council; servers of the State Prosecution Office; servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins; servers participating in the State Management Committee of the Restorative Justice Macro Management Center in the State of Tocantins; servers of the Brazilian Courts of Justice in the area of Restorative Justice.
The Programming will feature lectures, pitches (quick presentation of up to 3 minutes, in which it is possible to present the good practices of the RJ in Schools in a brief way), thematic rooms with foreign speakers, among others. Among the themes and international lectures of the event are:
August 23rd - Theme: The Power of the Restorative Justice in Education Speaker: Katherine Evans
August 24th - Theme: The School-Prison Duct in the North American Experience Speaker: João Salm
August 25th - Theme: Turning Conflicts into Growth Opportunities - An Experience (from Chicago) Speaker: Eboni Rucker.
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