Cnj Will Promote The Vi National Journey On Health Law

The National Council of Justice (CNJ), through the Organizing Committee of the National Forum of the Judiciary for Health (FONAJUS), in partnership with the Court of Justice of the State of Mato Grosso (TJMT), will hold the VI Conference on Health Law on June 15th and 16th. The event, which will take place in the city of Cuiabá (MT), will be broadcast live on the National Council of Justice (CNJ) channel on YOUTUBE, extending the reach and participation of interested parties. Check out the full program clicking here.

The VI Conference on Health Law aims to improve technical knowledge about public and supplementary health, promoting discussions about the challenges of judicialization and seeking solutions to this complex problem.

Magistrates, representatives of the public and supplementary health sectors, professionals of the justice and health systems, as well as those involved in the Technical Support Centers of the Judiciary (NATJUS), are the target public of the event. However, the Journey is also open to other interested parties who wish to contribute and acquire knowledge in this essential area.

During the VI Conference on Health Law, topics of relevance to the qualification and rationalization of the judicialization in the area of health will be addressed. A part of the agenda will be dedicated to the approval of new pronouncements on health law, besides the possibility of reviewing the pronouncements approved in the III Conference on Health Law, further enriching the debate and the construction of effective solutions.

Those interested in participating should fill out the registration form by June 14th, ensuring their presence at this important event. For more information about the program and updates of the event, you can access the file clicking here.

The VI National Conference on Health Law is part of the actions of the National Forum of the Judiciary for Health (FONAJUS), created in 2010 by the National Council of Justice with the purpose of monitoring and seeking solutions to demands related to health care. The creation of Fonajus was motivated by the high number and diversity of litigation related to the right to health, as well as by the financial impact that these demands have on public budgets.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in the VI National Conference on Health Law and contribute to the construction of effective solutions to the challenges of judicialization. Register by June 14th at the LINK:


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