Permanent Training of Brazilian magistrates in digital modality is discussed in live

The processo f adapting the Brazilian Judiciary to the health threat requires social exclusion and health care was the subject of a live transmission via Internet, promoted by the Association of Brazilian Magistrates and the National School of Judges, held this Thursday morning (14th). The virtual meeting discussed, among other issues, the optimization of efforts in the speed of judgments, as well as the strengthening of the training actions of Brazilian magistrates in the Distance Learning modality, not only during the pandemic period but at later times.

The President of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judiciary (COPEDEM), Judge Marco Villas Boas, participated in the virtual meeting; the Judge Áurea Brasil, 2nd President of the Justice Court of Minas Gerais; Judge Paulo Dornelles of the Regional Labor Court of the 4th Region of Rio Grande do Sul; the President-Director of the National Schools of Judges, Judge Caetano Levi Lopes, with Judge Marcelo Piragibe, from the Justice Court of Minas Gerais as a mediator.

In his speech, Judge Caetano Levi made an analysis of the world situation, recalling epidemics recorded in the last century, the world wars that claimed millions of victims and now the arrival of Coronavirus pandemic. “Nobody knows the scale and consequences of this epidemic, but something is certain: today we have very advanced technologies, and this will change the behavior of all humanity. The post-pandemic will show that working relationships have changed, that people’s relationships have changed, and that impact also comes to our judicial schools,” he said. The magistrate also reinforced that the current scenario meant that the use of digital knowledge transmission platforms had to be accelerated, and that the entity intends to implement Stricto Sensu postgraduate courses.

The President of Copedem and General Director of the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT), Judge Marco Villas Boas, emphasized the school’s investments in preparing for immersion in the virtual environment before any sign of the biological threat promoted by Covid-19. “We prepared ourselves, enabling even one of the master’s degrees that we have at the School today, so that we could use these tools, teach classes and do not stop our activities, as well as providing distance courses in this period so as not to leave the magistrates away from this professional improvement, so essential at this moment so that we can understand this crisis and find solutions”, he emphasized.

Judge Áurea Brasil recalled that the state of Minas Gerais has 21 other cores for training of counties in the interior of the state, and that, with the arrival of the pandemic, the School of Judges of Minas Gerais had to adapt to the current needs, since it took knowledge in an itinerant way to the other counties of the State. “I see this pandemic as a powerful way to show us how our world and how all the circumstances around us are not permanent and how the human being is able to adapt to situations. This adaptation had to come quickly. We had a lot of activities planned for this end of management, and with social isolation we had to suspend them, but at the same time work to transform them into remote activities that have an interaction”, he said.

Sobre o processo de adaptação ao novo cenário mundial, povoado de incertezas e o esforço da comunidade científica em promover o restabelecimento da população, como também encontrar uma maneira de erradicar e prevenir a doença, o juiz trabalhista Paulo Dorneles se Regarding the processo f adapting to the new world scenario, populated by uncertainties and the effort of the scientific community to promote the restoration of the population, as well as to find a way to eradicate and prevent the disease, Labor Judge Paulo Dorneles remembered the need for adaptation to the silente enemy that decimates thousands of people daily. “In this moment of need, we had no alternative but to adapt to find solutions. There is an American expression called “Learning on the fly” that in a literal translation means “to learn while flying”, and it is really what is happening, we have no alternative, choice”, he said.

The Judge stressed the Brazilian’s ability to adapt in the face of adversity and cited a research carried out at the International Union of Magistrates, namely the suspension of activities carried out by judicial schools. “As we are a continental country, circumstances offer us no alternative but to use telecommunication resources. We use the electronic ballot box in the electoral process, we have a fabulous experience in the electronic process, Justice works practically 100%, and the curious thing was to observe in that survey that the other countries do not have so much experience with the electronic process. We did not stop in this period. The Labor Courts, for example, produced last April practically the same as in April 2019. The data practically did not change, in some cases they even increased productivity”, he emphasized.

Asked about the performance of Copedem and Esmat, Judge Marco Villas Boas emphasized the need to create a corporate network not only of the Judiciary Schools but also of the Judicial Academies in order to offer national Stricto Sensu graduate courses. “There has already been resistance to the use of distance learning technologies due to market reserves, today they are viable due to the current scenario,” he said. The President of ANM, Caetano Levi Lopes, stressed that the modality can be used with optimization of resources and expansion of reach and training of new academics.

On the occasion, the live mediator, Marcelo Piragibe, emphasized that the atypical occasion that humanity has been facing will strenghten one of the objectives advocated by UNESCO, such as heutagogy, which is a concept of learning through self-teaching, following the knowledge objectives of each one. “This permanent training for everyone will come through the internet and other information mechanisms that are available,” he said.

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