Coplad/Ilanud will hold an event on Human Security for the Human rights in partnership with Esmat

With the aim of emphasizing the need for universal effectiveness of United Nations standards, principles and values, designed to face the multidimensional impact of security and human rights in Latin America, at a time of so many challenges for humanity, it occurs among the 19th and 21st of October, the First Latin American Forum on Human Security for Human Rights and, simultaneously, the Twelfth International Congress on Human Rights about factors of Human Promotion and Sustainability.

Hosted by the Institute of High National Studies of Ecuador (IAEN), the event is organized by the Latin American Standing Committee on Crime Prevention (COPLAD) – Program of the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) – which is based in San Jose, Costa Rica, and as international partners the Permanent College of Directors of the State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) and the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT), through the Postgraduate Program Stricto Sensu in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights (UFT / ESMAT)

The School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) will be responsible for the live transmission of the event, with simultaneous translation in Spanish, Portuguese and English, for translation in Brazilian Sign Language and for the entire program of the third day of the Event. The 12th edition of the Congress on Human Rights will include, in addition to the specific program, the entire program of the First Human Security Forum, making the Congress more robust.

The registrations can be made by Esmat Portal from September 11th, 2020.

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