Copedem holds webinar on legal and social challenges before Covid-19

A webinar promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (COPEDEM) will take place on Monday (05th) from 5 p.m. with the theme The Global Challenges - Legal and Social - in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. The event will be broadcasted on YouTube by the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT).

The event will be attended by Minister João Otávio de Noronha, president of the Superior Justice Court (STJ); Counselor José Mouraz Lopes, of the Portuguese Audit Court; Dr. Vanessa Butalla, legal director of Serasa Experian; the president of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), Gustavo Montezano and Dr. Saulo Putinni, legal director of BNDES.

The event, organized by Copedem, will be supported by Serasa Experian and Compendium and will be moderated by Marco Villas Boas, judge and president of Copedem, under the coordination of Professor Lourdes Gonçalves, executive director of the Center for Legal Memory (MEMORY). For Professor Lourdes Gonçalves, the coronavirus pandemic has caused challenging impacts on society and on public and private initiative decision making in presenting solutions to the crisis. "The world economy has stopped and things will hardly be as before, confirming that institutions provide guarantees that are equal to the global challenges and the protection of life," she emphasized.

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