Empowerment of indigenous communities of Tocantins is presented at United Nations International Event

The project "Factors of Human Promotion and Sustainability in the Program of Social Empowerment of Youth, Children and Indigenous Women of Bananal Island", in the state of Tocantins, Brazil, was presented on Monday afternoon (19th) during the programming of the First Latin American Forum on Human Security for Human Rights and XII International Congress on Human Rights Factors of Human Promotion and Sustainability, which is being broadcast through the Esmat Portal and Youtube platform.

Presented by the general director of the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) and president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (COPEDEM), Judge Marco Villas Boas, together with the member of the 3rd Board of Directors - Council of High Studies and Scientific Research of Esmat and the entry of the Masters in Jurisdictional Assistance and Human Rights, Magistrate Wellington Magalhães -, the project covers the Commitment Number 10 of the Objectives of Sustainable Development - Agenda 2030 of the United Nations .

Developed by the Regional Electoral Court (TRE) in partnership with the Tocantins State Justice Court (TJTO) and the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT), the project actions were initiated in 2017, and have traveled through several villages of traditional indigenous peoples, which reside on Bananal Island, considered the largest river island in the world.

Located in a transition area of biomes (cerrado and Amazon), also called ecotone, the island borders Tocantins with the states of Mato Grosso and Pará. As actions, activities of political formation and empowerment of indigenous women, youth and children were carried out; dialogue on the preservation of the Formoso River basin was made possible, as well as lectures and panels with the objective of rescuing indigenous citizenship.

The project was presented to the 19 countries that make up Coplad/Ilanud with the objective of, if approved, being a UN project and guaranteeing financial contribution through the United Nations. The concern of the project's creators is to consolidate the actions in the villages already contemplated and extend their actions to other indigenous peoples of Tocantins.

This same Monday, the Electoral Justice of Tocantins began the distribution of the second edition of the four Bilingual Electoral Charters for the Indigenous Peoples of the State. The publications were edited in Portuguese and in the native languages of the Panhi (Apinajé), Iny (Karajá - Javaé - Xambioá), Meri (Krahô) and Akwe (Xerente) peoples, and they are part of the project presented for evaluation at the United Nations.

Transmitted by Youtube platform with simultaneous translation to Portuguese, English and Spanish, the event is part of the program of the First Latin American Forum on Human Security for Human Rights and XII International Congress on Human Rights Factors for Human Promotion and Sustainability, which began this morning and continues until October 21st.

The event is organized by the Latin American Permanent Committee on Crime Prevention (COPLAD) - Program of the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) - which is based in San Jose, Costa Rica, and as international partners the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (COPEDEM) and the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT), through the Graduate Program Stricto Sensu in Jurisdiction and Human Rights (UFT/ESMAT).

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