Time Management lecture discusses themes such as productivity and procrastination in times of remote work

The optimization of time in performing work activities, study and physical exercise, thus seeking productivity in times of pandemic and remote work, were topics listed during the lecture Time Management, promoted by the Court, through the Directorate of People Management (DIGEP) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). The lecture, presented by the nationally renowned specialist in Development and Time Management, Rafael Medeiros Filho, was broadcasted via the ESMAT page on the YouTube platform. The opening of the event was attended by the Magistrate Océlio Nobre da Silva, Assistant Judge of the presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

In his lecture, Rafael Medeiros Filho began by talking about the stress promoted by the lack of management of activities and time, which generates frustration. He remembered that we live in the Knowledge Era, regardless of the Industrial Era. He pointed out that the worst reputation of a collaborator or server is that of a procrastinator, because he or she may be considered unreliable. "The best reputation is when people trust their delivery”, he said.

Presenting the elements that cause low productivity, the lecturer reminded us of psychological escapes that lead us not to achieve our goals on time or in a healthy way. With that, he listed pain-avoidance activities (washing the dishes, doing school activities, paying taxes and bills) and gain-producing activities (reading a book, attending a lecture, doing physical activities), subdividing them into maintenance and production tasks. "The difference between the two is that the first leaves you at ground zero, keeps your life as it is. The second, on the other hand, leads you to achieve a new status, to improve some issue in your life," he recalled.

Pointing out five steps to manage time, interspersing work activities, domestic routine, and learning, the lecturer listed five points that must be observed to achieve success: Take note, Separate, Schedule, Plan, and Execute. "Time management is not talent, it is a productivity that you develop. Unproductivity is a dishonor to our body and our spirit," he recalled.

About the lecturer:

Rafael Medeiros Filho – Specialist in Development and Time Management, nationally recognized speaker. He has delivered lectures and training sessions in all 27 states in Brazil, in renowned companies such as: Coca-Cola, Mellita, Netshoes, Avon, Claro, Vivo, Oi, Tim, Brasiltelecom, Bureau Veritas, National Honda, Emerson, ZF of Brazil, Correios, CMS Medical, Unimed, Unicred, Granol, Caixa and Fed. of the Ind. of RJ. He has vast experience in organizational consulting, allowing his lectures to be extremely practical and fun. He is recognized as a true "People Changer", since, after his lectures, businessmen witness a clear change in the behavior of their collaborators. His methodology applied in the lectures enchants by the union of two factors: Content and Dynamism. The participants will experience a flood of serotonin, endorphin, and dopamine (well-being hormones) during his lectures.

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