Challenges of freedom of expression, inalienable human rights and mental health in times of pandemic are discussed on the second day of the XIII International Congress on Human Rights

The social situation regarding the repression of freedom of expression in Brazil and also in Spain was one of the themes debated on the second day of the XIII International Congress on Human Rights. The event, organized by the Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH - UFT) and the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), also counts this year with the partnership of UniCEUB, Permanent College of Directors of the State Schools of Judges (COPEDEM) and PUC-RIO.

The first lecture, given by professor Larissa Polejack Brambatti (UNB - Brazil), dealt with the Mental Health Promotion in a Pandemic Context theme: What can we do? She also recalled the social-economic conflicts and psychological issues that affected thousands of people around the world with the abrupt arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. She stressed the importance of recognizing the mental sequel resulting from Covid and the need to seek professional support.

The second lecture, given by Doctor Professor Eduardo Andrés Velandia Canosa (UNILIBRE - Colombia), dealt with the Constitutional Procedural Law as a Guarantee of the Inalienable Rights of the Human Being theme, highlighting the ties that bind the process to the constitution. The last lecture was given by professors Jacobo Dopico Gómez-Aller (UC3M - Spain) and Fábio Carvalho Leite (PUC - Rio - Brazil). The theme was The Challenges of Freedom of Speech in Brazil and Spain, in which the various aspects of freedom of speech were discussed, and when this freedom becomes a crime.

The program of this second day had the mediators, professors Carlos Mendes Rosa, Tarsis Barreto Oliveira and Oneide Perius, of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights of the UFT. The program of the XIII International Congress on Human Rights continues on Tuesday (18th), starting at 9 a.m., Brasília time. The event will last until October 25th. Remember that all the activities take place during this period, from 9am to 12pm.

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