Society wins with the implementation of the collaborative governance in the justice system, say debaters during the event at TJTO

One of the prominent panels of the IV Forum of Governance in the Justice System, this Thursday (June 6th), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), “The importance of Implementing Collaborative Governance in the Justice System” was debated by representatives of institutions in the segment.

Responsible for conducting the debate, the coordinator of IT Governance of the CNJ (National Council of Justice), Flávio Feitosa Costa, said that the concept will bring benefits to the whole society. “Who wins with it is the society, the operators of law and everyone interested in the Justice System”, he said.

In his speech, also, opening the works, the president of the Governance Network Brazil (RGB), Evandro Gama, highlighted the aspect of conciliation. "It is necessary to encourage conflict solutions. The culture of pacification, with the reduction of conflicts, must be a priority", he cited, who is a National Treasury attorney and coordinator of the Governance Committee in the Justice System of RGB.

Representing the Federal Attorney General's Office, Francisco Alexandre Colares spoke of the challenges faced by the segment in the country. "The challenges are increasing. With democratic and republican solutions, work efficiency is achieved. With it, we will have a fairer society, where we will promote access to justice for all."

Questioned by the debate table coordinator, attorney Priscila Madruga, vice-president of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-TO), mentioned that the goal is the common good of the system and of society. "Promoting Justice, in fact, is the union of all the system's members who were involved around a common good. Here there are no competitors, everyone aims to act in a viable and efficient Justice system. We are not here to compete", he mentioned, while emphasizing that the OAB seeks to capacitate lawyers for alternative means.

For João Ricardo, representative of the State Prosecution of the State of Tocantins (MPE-TO), the information is essential to the success of the initiative. "The primordial point is the information: it reveals the pains of the Justice system. We will only face it if we have information from each one, where the bottlenecks are so that we can make a planning to combat these situations," he said.


Colaborative Governance

Representing TJTO, the coordinator of Strategic Management, Statistics and Projects of TJTO, João Ornato Benigno Brito, presented numbers of lawsuit costs and called attention to the need for the collaborative governance. "Financial, material, and human resources collaboration is also necessary for the effective result of this initiative," he stressed. 

Marcelo Olimpio, representing the Audit Court of the State of Tocantins (TCE), emphasized the recent participation in an action that characterized this concept. "We developed an action that enabled fiscal execution actions of the municipalities. And a joint work between the TJTO and the TCE has reduced the number of lawsuits filed and created conditions for speedy judicial decisions. This ends up being taken care of in the governance because it creates conditions for the processes to have agility in the proceedings in the Judiciary," he recalled. 

Chief Secrtary of the Civil House of the government of the State of Tocantins, Deocleciano Gomes addressed the challenge of making the practice effective. “The union of the institutions to seek solutions for society is fundamental. It is the challenge of the governance. And this is an issue present in the daily routine of the end activity. We have to accentuate more and more this concept and initiative, with a focus on delivering the Best result for society.”

At the end of the speeches, the State Public Defender Murilo da Costa Machado made a point of mentioning the TJTO and Esmat’s event as a “historical landmark” for bringing a “differentiated look” of the institutions. He mentioned governance aspects, such as economy and effectiveness of the actions of the public Power. “It is necessary, however, to rethink the way the State pacts and divides the resources among all those who represent the Justice System. If somewhere in the machine is not working well, it will become lame.

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