General justice affairs office holds a lecture on entrepreneurship and a "hands that help" fair!

Creativity is one of the most important differentials for an entrepreneur when investing in a new business. In this context, the General Justice Affairs Office (CGJUS), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Support Service to Micro and Small Enterprises of the State of Tocantins (SEBRAE/TO) will hold a lecture on entrepreneurship on Monday (May 30th), at 5pm.

The event, which is part of the CGJUS Team for Sustainability Project, will be held in the auditorium of Esmat. The presentation will have the participation of the analyst of Sebrae, Rogério Maracaípe.

About the Project

The CGJUS Team for Sustainability Project began at the end of last year, aligned with the Goal 5 of the Justice Affairs Office Management Plan 2021-2023: Develop actions focused on human rights, accessibility, sustainability, and transparency, with the proposal of transforming the organizational culture in the General Justice Affairs Office, as a strategy for strengthening sustainability.

The Team was divided into 4 thematic axes: Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental, to carry out interactive and engagement activities, lectures, and customized challenges, aimed at guiding, raising awareness, and encouraging changes in the behavior and attitudes of the Judges and public servers assigned to the CGJUS. 

Hands that Help Fair

The Project is at the stage where the challenge has been launched for each group to develop an action on its theme. Aiming to promote the solidary economy, increase income, give visibility and boost entrepreneurship, the Economic Axis Team is organizing the "Hands that Help" Fair!

There are already twenty registered exhibitors, with the most diverse products and services (selling Avon, Natura, books, handcrafted dolls, cakes, perfumes, clothes, natural products, sweets, wines, products from the countryside, and others). 

The opening will be this Tuesday (May 31st), at 4pm, in the green area in front of the General Justice Affairs Office building.

About the lecturer

Rogério Maracaípe has been working for more than 22 years at Sebrae-TO, currently at the State Coordination of Innovation Ecosystems, specializing in innovation, marketing, management of trade fairs, franchising and business management. He has an excellent capacity for institutional articulation with entities linked to several sectors of the economy in favor of the development of small businesses.

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