Second day of the "resumption of the economic growth" seminar brought panels on social security, health, energy and the regulation of artificial intelligence

The second day of the "Resumption of the Economic Growth" Seminar was designed to discuss issues in the areas of health, energy, social security, predatory litigation, transformations in the economic scenario and the regulation of artificial intelligence. Promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) in partnership with the National School of Magistracy (ENM) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), with the coordination of the Center for Legal Memory (MEMORY), the activities continue until next Saturday (28th).

The event has a hybrid programming and simultaneous broadcasting through the Youtube Platform in the official channel of Copedem. Held in person at the Tivoli Eco Resort tourist complex in Praia do Forte – BA, the Seminar has been the stage for debates and the exchange of ideas regarding the current Brazilian economic and social scenario.

On the first day of the event, issues such as companies recovery in the current economic context and the role of the infrastructure in the resumption of growth were brought up.

Panel I – Social security, insurance instruments and predatory litigation

In his speech, Minister Paulo Sanseverino, of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), congratulated the initiative and the holding of the event with such an important theme as the resumption of the growth, "Education is the great problem of Brazil, not only the education of primary, secondary or higher education, but also the continued training of professionals in general and particularly of law professionals, and especially of us, magistrates," he added.

The opening of the lecture cycle had the presence of Dr. Roberto Eiras Messina, from MMLC Associate Lawyers, with the "Regulatory Power: recognition and stability in the exercise of jurisdiction" theme. At the beginning of his presentation, the lawyer stressed the importance of debating such relevant themes, "It is very important to talk about institutions, because they carry the ideas that people launch. And if they are able to reflect them, they can transform society and bring about change", he stated.

The second topic was addressed by Dr. Washington Bezerra, Legal Director and Compliance Legal Brazil at Zurich Brazil Insurance, with the "VGBL and PGBL insurance instruments - legal-economic reflections". In a broad manner, the lawyer explained about the effects of law on economic issues, the main concepts of the area and the differences between pension plans and insurance. Finishing the first block of presentations, Dr. Priscila Ferrari, executive legal manager at Serasa Experian, spoke about predatory litigation and its effects.

Panel II – Health

Presiding over the second panel of the day, Minister Sebastião Reis Júnior, from the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), also commented on the relevance of the event, "I think it is an opportunity not only for fraternization, but also to debate subjects outside the formal environment of the process. I think it is very interesting that you can listen to people who live those issues with the visions of a reality that is very difficult for those who are not there on a daily basis to know", he said. 

“This health issue is very delicate, even more so at the moment in which we are living; it is evident that the State cannot give a satisfactory answer, and practically pushes the citizen into the private health care", the minister highlighted.

The first lecture of the Health Cycle was given by the lawyers, Dr. Gustavo Ribeiro, of the Strategic Legal Department at Abramge, and Dr. Rogério Scarabel, partner at M3BS Lawyers, with the "Regulatory Power: recognition and stability in the exercise of jurisdiction" theme. In the same block of presentations, Dr. Pablo Meneses, vice president at the National Association of Benefit Administrators (ANAB), finished the panel discussing the economic impact on the judicialization of health.

Domingos Franciulli Neto Medal

On the occasion, Justice Marco Villas Boas, president of Copedem and General Director of Esmat, awarded the Domingos Franciulli Neto Medal, in honor of the Justice for relevant services rendered to legal improvement, to doctor Pablo Meneses. In his speech, the lawyer thanked Copedem for the honor. "I think it is a tribute to the entire health system, so I share this tribute with all the participants of the Brazilian health system," he thanked.

Panel III – Energy

Presided by Justice Helena Maria Bezerra Ramos, from the Court of Justice of the State of Mato Grosso (TJMT), the third panel had as the speaker Dr. Guido Silveira, president of the Council at the National Union of Fuel and Lubricant Distributors (SINDICOM), who developed a presentation focused on consumer rights and on the regulatory aspects that the sector has been going through.

Panel IV – Transformations in the economic scenario and the regulation of artificial intelligence

Presented by Minister Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva, from the Superior Court of Justice, the penultimate lecture had the "Challenges of Regulating Artificial Intelligence" theme. Finally, presiding over the last panel of the day, Justice Marco Villas Boas commented on the complexity of the theme, "I am very proud of everything that has happened in these two days. Showing this capillarity of the circularity of Power, affable, sweet, from the scientific classification of technique, of the technological instruments to be able to seduce, to dominate, the ways of executing power, of prolonging life, a necrology, is something that is already moving towards a kind of rhizome. Something that has neither beginning nor end, but has a middle. It can be understood from the context, it is something impressive what we live today with these mechanisms of human subjection", he pointed out.

Also on the program, Dr. Octávio de Barros, founding partner of Quantum 4 Innovation Solutions, gave his presentation with the "The post-pandemic world and the transformations in the global and Brazilian economic scenario" theme.

The Seminar will be closed this Saturday (May 27th) with four more panels: Commerce and Business Environment, Agribusiness, Innovation and Technology, and Labor Justice. The event will be closed with speeches by the president of Copedem, Justice Marcos Villas Boas, and by Justice Caetano Levi Lopes.

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