Esmat holds "The use of mediation in land conflicts” Workshop

“The use of mediation in land conflicts” Workshop, promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), took place this Monday morning (12th), for students of the Environmental Mediation course, accredited conciliators and mediators, and servers from the Cejuscs.

The training, with a workload of 3 hours, aims to foster the exchange of knowledge and experiences about the new procedure of landholding regularization (Law number 13,465 of 2017), with a view to the resolution of legal claims that deal with the topics.

In the first panel, Judge Océlio Nobre da Silva, coordinator of the Center of Prevention and Land Regularization (NUPREF), spoke about “Land Regularization and its Historical Nuances”. Next, Ms. Lorenna Alves de Sousa, Land Regularization advisor of NUPREF spoke about “Mediation as a Facilitating Instrument in the Land Regularization Process”.


For more informaton: Center for Training and Improvement of Magistrates (NUFAM) — Telephone: (63) 3218-4408. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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