Workshop discusses perspectives of human rights education based on the methods of Vera Maria Ferrão Candau

Education and Human Rights are inseparable. In force for 74 years, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights places education not only as a right, but also as a means to achieve the goals proposed in the document.

The first day of the workshop: “See, Know, Celebrate and Commit: Human Rights Education”, held this Monday afternoon (17th) as a complement to the XIV International Congress on Human Rights, discussed, in a practical and didactic way, about the teaching-learning processes of human rights education from the perspective of Vera Maria Ferrão Candau.

Taught by the facilitators Patrícia Medina, Larissa Carlos Rosenda, Laudyone Edmailtom dos Santos Arruda and Rayka Oliveira Soares Valadares, the Meeting included debates and dynamic aimed at buiding understand of the topics and methods presented by Candau.

The weaknesses that are found in the effective guarantee of human rights can be worked on from different dimensions; one of them is the construction of open spaces for dialogue. In her speech, the lecturer Larissa Carlos Rosenda highlighted the importance of working on the constant promotion of human rights education.

 “The creation of projects focused on human rights cannot be developed and, after completion, left aside. It is a continuous process, you have to constantly work on them," she said.

For Lívia Zanholo Santos, a master's student in the ninth group of the Master's in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, the workshop is an opportunity for learning and knowledge construction.

"Educating in human rights is a duty for all of us. Participating in this workshop made me realize how important it is for each person to do their part in building a fairer and solidary society. Knowing about human rights is not enough, we need to prevent their violations in practice, and, for this, an Education in Human Rights is essential”, she explained.


About the Congress

Promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), since 2012, and organized by the Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights in partnership with the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), the XIV International Congress on Human Rights, with "The Protection of Human Rights in War and Pandemic Scenario" theme, will start this Wednesday and will last until Friday, that is, from October 19th to 21st, 2022.

For more information, click here.


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