Marco Villas Boas participates in the evaluation event of the socio-political inclusion of indigenous peoples program

The Electoral Justice of the State of Tocantins will gather in Palmas, on April 5th and 6th, indigenous leaders from all over the state for a meeting to evaluate the political education actions in indigenous communities. The opening will be on Tuesday (April 5th), at 10am, in the auditorium of the Regional Electoral Court of the State of Tocantins (TRE-TO).

The opening ceremony will be attended by Marco Villas Boas, General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT); Helvécio de Brito Maia Neto, president of the TRE-TO; Eurípedes Lamounier, vice-president and electoral commissioner; and Wellington Magalhães, electoral Judge, program coordinator. The event will also be attended by electoral Judges, heads of registry offices, and representatives of the partner institutions of the program.

The Event is part of the Sociopolitical Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples program, created, in 2018, by the Electoral Justice of the State of Tocantins, and aims to deepen the discussion on pre-established aspects of the actions of political education and citizenship rights of indigenous peoples, carried out between 2018 and 2021.

On April 6th workshops will be held on themes such as Security in Elections in Indigenous Communities, Political Representativeness and Dialogue between Cultures at Esmat. The closing is scheduled for the afternoon of April 6th, with a plenary session and the presentation of the consolidated results, in the TRE-TO auditorium.

Check the complete programming of the Event here.



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