Pioneering spirit of the State of Tocantins in the fulfillment of human rights treaties is revered at the opening of the International Congress in the city of Palmas

The pioneering spirit of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins in the judicial compliance with human rights treaties, which even formed the basis of a recommendation of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) for all state courts in the country, was one of the highlights of the opening of the XIV International Congress on Human Rights. The ceremony took place on Wednesday evening (October 19th), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).

The theme was approached by the lecturer Valério Mazzuoli, Doctor in international law, in the lecture on "The Role of the Judiciary in the Conventionality Control of Laws and the Recommendation 123 of CNJ", right after the solemn opening of the congress.

Mazzuoli, in his lecture, pointed out that the recommendation number 123, of January 7th, 2022, signed by the then president of the CNJ, Minister Luiz Fux, was based on an initiative of the TJTO 20 years ago. "Tocantins sowed the seed for Brazil. The seed has already generated good fruit," he pointed out, when referring to the CNJ initiative, which recommended "the organs of the Brazilian Judiciary to observe international human rights treaties and conventions and to use the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights."

He pointed out several times that the first resolution of its kind was from the TJTO. "Twenty years ago, the Judiciary had to implement a dynamic and could not remain oblivious. The judiciary did not know about it and this affected the judicial provision. It was inapplicable (precepts of international treaties)."

The speaker also reported that, after the officialization, he sought the adhesion of the courts, but found in the CNJ the support he needed for the realization of the norm. Currently, he has advanced in the negotiations with the National Council of the Office of the Public Prosecutor (CNMP) and is also seeking success with the judicial police. Finally, today we have a recommendation", he celebrated.


Medal of the Academic Merit

The event is promoted by TJTO, Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) and Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT). Speakers from Brazil and other countries such as Bolivia, Spain, the United States, England, Mexico, Mozambique, Portugal, and Turkey are taking part.

At the solemn opening tonight, the Academic Merit Medal was given to the chemist Adelaide Faljoni-Alario, from the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). The presentation was made by Justice Angela Issa Haonat, who made a point of highlighting the contribution of the honored person to the country. "One of the most respected in the country. A born leader, of research, of competence, and of people", she mentioned, when talking about her career.

Adelaide Faljoni-Alario thanked the homage and highlighted the Professional Master in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, a partnership between TJTO, through Esmat, and UFT, as an "innovative program" and that forms "competent people to act in the human rights and judicial provision theme". "A contribution for the country", she summarized.

About the event, the magistrate highlighted as a "special moment in the history of Esmat", emphasizing the theme being sensitive to the "dignity of the human person and the environment", besides citing the importance of the performance of the Judiciary.

In his speech, Gustavo Paschoal, coordinator of the master's degree program, thanked everyone for their participation, after two years of the congress in its online version. Representing the UFT rector, Luís Eduardo Bovolato, professor Alex Pizzo spoke of the  satisfaction of UFT in being a partner in the master's program. "It is a pride for the university that we are together in an initiative that has repercussions in society," he said.

Also in a statement, the president of TJTO, Justice João Rigo Guimarães, welcomed the participants, citing that "mind and heart must be open to new vision and learning". "The world is in constant transformation. May [participation in the congress] be positive," he summarized. 


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