Reports of The Experience with The Autistic Spectrum Disorder are presented in Symposium

The autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is not a disease, but a hypersensitivity to environmental stimulation. The comment made by the speaker Élbia Rosane Sousa de Araújo, from the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia, during the II Symposium panel on the Rights of People with Autism was one of the milestones on Tuesday night (29th).

The event, held by the Permanent Commission for Accessibility and Inclusion of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (CPAI) and the Coordination of Management and Social Responsibility (COGERSA), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), is part of the Week of Accessibility and Inclusion of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

In her speech, Élbia told a little about the experiences and particularities of her daughter, who is autistic. For the lecturer, talking about autism is talking about love and education. According to her, the greatest complexity in giving the judicial provision in favor of the autistic people and their families is not in the legal area. "Perhaps what is complex is our difficulty - I say our difficulty as Judges to understand autism in its broad nuance to be able to judge a specific case, each autistic person is unique, so each treatment is prescribed according to the peculiarity of each one," she explained.

In the occasion, Élbia also presented to the participants conceptual basics about autism, aiming to contribute with the understanding of the subject. "The autistic spectrum is very broad and this must be taken into account in all the care, in all the dealings with the autistic person", she commented.

Judge Odete Batista Dias Almeida, mediator of this second panel, congratulated the organizers of the event for their sensitivity and concern with the theme. "I can only congratulate the Court of Justice, because it is extremely relevant, very important that our Court has been really concerned about bringing exponents of this matter", she said.

The event also included a live broadcast with the activist and co-author of Law 12,764, Berenice Piana de Piana. Sanctioned on December 28th, 2012, the Law that bears the name of Berenice established the National Policy for the Protection of the Rights of the Person with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  This law recognizes autism as a disability, extending to autistic people, for legal purposes, all the rights provided for people with some kind of disability.

In this last moment, the participation of the speaker triggered a series of debates about living with autism in society, the challenges and legal issues regarding the treatment of people with the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  


Élbia Rosane Sousa de Araújo is a Law Judge at the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia, member of the CPAI of PJBA, member of the Working Group of the Social Policies and Citizen Development Commission of CNJ, Director of Institutional Policy and Support for magistrates and children with special needs of AMB.


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