Inspiration In The Judiciary: Lecture approaches living, experiences and challenges of people with disabilities

"My story, your inspiration. It is possible!”. This was the speech that guided the first lecture of the III Seminar in Commemoration of the International Day of the Person with Disabilities this Thursday afternoon (1st). The moment, given by the lecturer Luis Marlo de Barros Silva and mediated by Clairton Thomazi, is part of the Good Practices Week of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

In the opportunity, Clairton Thomazi commented on the need for awareness of society. "Talking about accessibility is always very important (...) today we have a legal set of norms in Brazil, we are signatories of the UN determinations, we have the law of access to people with disabilities, we have the CNJ Resolution, but all of this makes no sense if we do not become aware, if we do not leave our point of view and go towards the other. Especially to meet those who are different," he explained.

Clairton, who is a blind person, also stressed the importance of approaching the population with stories that relate the experiences of people with disabilities. "Regardless of the standard and the law, we need to get closer to the other, the proximity is what makes people understand how important our difference is for your learning, but it is also important for us to be able to position ourselves in society, it is this space that we decrease by getting closer, which positions us and gives us opportunities within society," he concluded.

Starting the afternoon of reflections, Luis Marlo told, in a relaxed way, about his experiences and adversities in his childhood and adolescence. The lecturer, who is quadriplegic, also revealed the particularities of his academic career at the University and the obstacles he overcame to study and get the desired approvals.

For Luis, the creation of purposes and goals in life is a relevant fact to the history of any human being. "My inspiration for living is the life goals I have created. Who doesn't have life goals, doesn't live," he said.

Luis emphasizes that it is necessary to have love and passion for what you are doing, "no matter what your dream is, dedicate a lot of your time and thought to it (?) if you decide to fight for something, you have to do your best to win," he emphasized.

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